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Posts published in “Valley People”

Valley People (Mar 25, 2015)

THE RAMBLING WRECK RICARD BUILDING in downtown Boonville will be on next month's Community Services District Board agenda. Director Hanelt was expecting to meet with County Environmental Health Director Dave Jensen this week. Reportedly, Jensen “is aware of the building.” Trustee Neil Darling raised the possibility of an eminent domain acquisition of the property if it can be converted to a “public purpose” such as a parking lot.

Valley People (Mar 18, 2015)

BILL MCEWEN has died. A long-time resident of Philo, Bill, 63, was well-known in the Anderson Valley for his quiet commitment to family and friends. Most recently, Bill, a skilled farmer himself, managed Anderson Valley's…

Valley People (Mar 4, 2015)

WE'VE received a number of letters related to “paranormal activities” in the starry above, as sighted from the Anderson Valley. We don’t know if these sightings are figments of the always fervid imaginations of the tinfoil hat brigade, the con-trail conspiracy theorists or just regular folks, but we have to acknowledge that there have indeed been a lot of unusual things flying around up there, some of which we've spotted ourselves.

Valley People (Feb 25, 2015)

FROST FANS in vineyards northeast of Central Boonville kicked on Monday and Tuesday morning about midnight, as did the sprinkler system in the vast vineyard in the same general area. There were also a couple…

Valley People (Feb 18, 2015)

NICE TURNOUT at the Buckhorn for Steve Sparks who, I swear, seems to be the reincarnation of Homer Mannix, Anderson Valley's Mr. Everything from 1950 to 1980. Sparks hasn't yet run for public office, but I agree with the letter writer that he mos def is our de facto mayor. The guy is everywhere making this place more enjoyable wherever he puts down, from the weekly Trivial Pursuit contests at Lauren's to the Senior Center. All he needs now is a gavel and presto! we have our first mayor since Homer.

Valley People (Feb 11, 2015)

EVERYONE in The Valley has a storm story, ranging from mysterious blue flame racing along power lines between Boonville and the high school, to the big winds throwing fifty pound deck furniture far into the gulch below, to the gale force gusts that seemed only a puff away from blowing in the windows. Monday, downtown businesses were up and running soon after the power went back on about 9.

Valley People (Feb 4, 2015)

GOT UP TO 79 in Boonville last Saturday as January's eerily dry days and sunny tranquility came to an end. First January in recorded history that it hasn't rained in our part of NorCal. But it was perfect for the large crowd that turned out for the seed exchanges and grafting exhibitions at the Boonville Fairgrounds.

Valley People (Jan 28, 2015)

PASTOR RON PENROSE has died in Willits. Old timers will remember Ron and his family from the 1970s when Ron pastored the Assembly of God Church here in Boonville. At that time, Ron also worked…
