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Posts published in “Valley People”

Valley People (Aug. 29, 2018)

THE ONLY PROPERTY for sale in all of the Anderson Valley for under half a mil or so is the acre and a quarter for the miraculous price of $180,000 just down the road from the Navarro Store.

Valley People (Aug. 15, 2018)

THE ANDERSON VALLEY is saddened by the death of June Lemons, matriarch of the well-known Valley family and owners of the Lemons Market complex. A quiet, modest, hard-working person who, with her late husband, Elmer,…

Valley People (Aug. 8, 2018)

AHILMAR! Anderson Valley's distance-running prodigy outraced her peers Sunday morning at the Noyo Headlands grand trail opening, garnering yet another first place on the Northcoast's running summer circuit.

Valley People (Aug. 1, 2018)

I LIKE the wavy striping on the Boonville-Ukiah Road, and am absolutely chagrined to learn that it's temporary. Of course whimsy has no place in the CalTrans mission, and not much place anywhere else in our standardized, one size fits all world.

Valley People (July 25, 2018)

CORRECTION: Last week we reported that “a large crowd celebrated Bastille Day at the French-owned Roederer Winery on Sunday, enjoying music by the Boonville Big Band and a locally-catered lunch.” Most of that was correct,…

Valley People (July 18, 2018)

BEYOND AWFUL. Monday afternoon, a little after 3pm, an eastbound SUV containing a three-person family of visitors from England was stopped at a bend in Highway 128 about a half-mile from the Boonville CalFire station…

Valley People (July 11, 2018)

NO ERROR is more regrettable than a botched obituary, and I truly regret failing to have written that Cindy Fashauer is the mother of the late Jason Abbott, a young man sorely missed by everyone…

Valley People (July 4, 2018)

RUBEN THOMMASON of the Anderson Valley Market Thomassons, will soon be back in his Boonville home attended by an in-home care person. A hearing in Superior Court, Ukiah, last Wednesday determined that Mr. Thomasson had…
