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Posts published in “Valley People”

Valley People (July 19, 2017)

WHOEVER rolled away with it, the Anderson Valley Food Bank would deeply appreciate your return of the little black wagon. People, some of them disabled,…

Valley People (July 12, 2017)

THE MENDOCINO COUNTY CARE-A-VAN will be in Anderson Valley on Monday, July 17, at the Grange in Philo. Spay & neuter surgeries are by appointment…

Valley People (July 5, 2017)

HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to the two delightful ladies at the Navarro Store, Erika Mendoza and Crist Perez, the beating heart of Navarro whose unfailingly pleasant service…

Valley People (June 28, 2017)

IT REACHED 102 IN THE SHADE in Boonville last Thursday. And was higher than that out in the Yorkville direction. 110 in Ukiah where a hot day somehow seems to double down in wrap-around ghastliness. Winds were at or near zero. Some reports even had Fort Bragg around an amazing 90 for Thursday. Temps are supposed to gradually return to more normal 80s for highs in Anderson Valley over the next few days with corresponding reductions in other areas of the County.

Valley People (June 21, 2017)

MILLA HANDLEY, winemaker and owner of the landmark Handley Cellars, has announced her retirement and plans to pass on the Anderson Valley winery to her two daughters. Taking over as co-owners will be Lulu McClellan and Megan Handley Warren.

Valley People (June 14, 2017)

RASTAFARIA comes to Boonville this weekend, all weekend. Take it away, Jimmy… A one and a two, and a doobie doobie do — Your love,…

Valley People (June 7, 2017)

JUDY WAGGONER-ISBELL'S MEMORIAL GATHERING Lisa Kuny writes: On May 26th my beautiful, caring, funny, crazy, giving, mother passed away. She left us here to be…

Valley People (May 31, 2017)

JUDY ISBELL NEÉ WAGGONER has died in Palm Springs. Born and raised in Boonville, Mrs. Isbell had been in failing health for some time. She…

Valley People (May 17, 2017)

CUSTOMER APPRECIATION GALA! Anderson Valley Farm Supply, Friday, May 19th, which is THIS Friday. Specific festivities kick off at noon, deals all day. Food, drink…

Valley People (May 10, 2017)

I ONCE SAW a tourist couple step tentatively into Boonville's brochure-festooned Chamber of Commerce ad shack, the only touri I’ve seen from my perch across the street to risk it. The elderly gent cautiously peered in before beckoning his wife to follow. They were soon back out in the sunshine, empty-handed because there's nothing inside of interest or in any way associated with life in this place as it is lived by us.
