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Posts published in “Valley People”

Valley People (April 1, 2020)

THIS SILENT CATASTROPHE is moving faster than the reports of its already dire consequences. In the Anderson Valley, people are self-isolating, meaning that citizens are heeding medical advice that social distancing is the best way…

Valley People (March 25, 2020)

THE WAY it seems to be working out, we're the beneficiaries of a kind of cordon sanitaire that has so far kept the plague to the south of Mendocino County. The virus is centered, as…

Valley People (March 18, 2020)

THE BOONVILLE SCHOOLS are closed as of Monday morning. The Center for Disease Control announced Monday morning that closures of all kinds should plan to be down for at least 8 weeks. Business is off…

Valley People (March 4, 2020)

EARL JAY ‘PETE’ PETERMAN died Thursday February 6, 2020 in Ukiah at the age of 93. Born on May 16, 1926 in Pennsylvania to Hazel Constant and Edward Peterman, Earl called Mendocino County his home…

Valley People (February 19, 2020)

SIX FAMILIES — 25 persons — were displaced by the Lodge Fires of Thursday, December 5th. Twenty-five Boonters out of our population of about 1,000 people is 2.5% of our population. In relative terms, if…
