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Posts published in “Valley People”

Valley People

A CURIOUS incident occurred at Anderson Valley High School last week. A couple of boys were flicking their fingers at each other when one kid accidentally hit his pal in the area of the crotch.…

Valley People

LAURA HAMBURG will speak at the meeting of the Community Services District Board on Wednesday, September 21st. Visitors usually speak at the beginning of the meeting, which would put Laura on at about 5:30pm. The…

Valley People

LILA KNIGHT has died. Lila, the last of the Anderson Valley Pomos, was the wife of the late Art Knight. The Knights lived for many years near Lemons Market in Philo. Art Knight worked for…

Valley People

XAVIER FRANCIS, 19, of Boonville and Ukiah, was arrested  at Mendocino College last Thursday on a $50,000 felony burglary warrant. Dogged police work by resident deputies Squires and Walker led to Francis's arrest. He and…

Valley People

LUIS ARMANDO PACHECO was 23 when he died in last Wednesday’s collision with a Coast-bound gasoline tanker on 128 near the Mendo-Sonoma County line. $1300 in cash was found on Pacheco’s body. When law enforcement…

Valley People

DUKE, the big beautiful dog belonging to Nick Rossi and always to be found in the vicinity of Rossi’s Hardware Store, has bitten me a couple of times, not hard but hard enough for me…

Valley People

THE EDITOR is away from his desk on medical leave of the non-serious but mildly debilitating type he describes as “old guy stuff.” He worries that he’ll be behind on his correspondence but vows “to…
