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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, March 27, 2014

Deputy Mourned;
Memorial Pillaged;
Chaney's Release;
Nuts for Parrots;
Flocking to Point Arena;
Agricultural Nuisance;
WSJ Touts AV Appellation;
UN Reviews Kent State;
The Second Coming;
Trucking 30 Million Smolts

Off The Record (Mar 26, 2014)

A PERSONAL INJURY LAWYER named Jonathan Hayes of Sacramento has filed a $100k-plus claim against Mendocino County for the injuries his client, Gregory Bergman, suffered from being shot by former Mendocino Deputy District Attorney Damon…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Sad Week;
A Sleepless Week;
Memory Lane;
Mendo HR;
I Heard a Fly Buzz;
Concealed Weapons;
Food and Fiber;
Domestic Concerns;
Hey Richard Miller;
Caltrans Coming to Albion;
Exit Strategies;
Corporate Cuckoo;
Police Reports

Valley People (Mar 26, 2014)

MRS. RICHARD, of the excellent Coq au Vin restaurant at Floodgate, Navarro, visited us Monday morning. Gracious but unhappy, she explained the extended period of medical misfortune which has plunged her culinarily talented family into…

Letters (Mar 26, 2014)

Just wanted to send a quick “Thank You” to the kind people at Roederer and Lazy Creek Vineyards. I am a local contractor who normally wastes his mornings by sleeping in until 5:30. This laziness has caused me to miss out on all of the goings on around my home on Clow Ridge prior to that hour.

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Memorial To Be Broadcast;
Coq au Vin Update;
No Right To Sleep;
Three Inches Forecast;
The Governor's Dreams;
KZYX's Snowden Moment;
Poem For Jim;
Historians On Trial
