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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: Sun, Apr 6, 2014

Sneaker Waves;
Bypass Season;
Weekend Clinic;
Dope Futures;
Whither New Yorker;
Dead Air;
It Takes Three;
CP's Reading List;
Goodbye Lawrence Ringo;
Awake at Night;
Gaining Momentum;
Civic Pursuits;
Gump Art;
Farewell Peter Matthiessen;
Mismanaged Nation;
Police Reports

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, April 5, 2014

AVA Print Changes;
Lauren's Art Exhibition;
KZYX Election Aftermath;
Mandelbaum Appointment;
Arkansas/Mendo Bust;
Memory of April;
Dramaturgical Beagle;
American Exceptionalism;
Affordable-Housing Tarbaby;
Love Calls;
Bush Paints;
Police Report

Mendocino County Today: Friday, April 4, 2014

Goldeneye Pumping;
Expensive Judges;
Salmon Season Starts Saturday;
KZYX Board Election Results;
Drug Take-Back Day;
Permanent Oligarchy;
Comedy of Terror;
PG&E Crime;
Another Day;
72 Years Ago;
Sunbeam Challenges Ranochak;
Drought Exaggerations;
Police Report

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, April 3, 2014

Homeless Death;
Coach Heath Out;
Love In It Back;
Another Fort Hood Shooting;
So Much Depends;
Pabst Blue Ribbon;
Scruff Checks Out;
Baseball's a Game;
KZYX Partly Back;
Oliver's Cargo;
Identity Theft;
Respect for the River;
Where Should Craig Go?;
Oil Money in Sacto;
Police Report

Letters (Apr 2, 2014)

About four weeks ago I stopped in the County Clerk’s office in Ukiah to find out when the last election of the Anderson Valley CSD Board of Directors was. Auditor Meredith Ford said she would look it up and get back to me (no answer). After a few weeks I sent her a letter asking that question and the legality of CSD offi­cers who are not elected (no answer).

Valley People (Apr 2, 2014)

I NEVER thought I'd write this sentence: "Rainbow has sparked an International incident." The popular Boon­ville man, whose given name is Robert Salisbury, has been living and working in Myanmar, formerly Burma, in an area…

Off The Record (Apr 2, 2014)

THE HISTORIC Wilbur Hot Springs resort near the Lake-Colusa county line was mostly destroyed by fire Saturday morning. Lately owned by Dr. Richard Miller, a kind of new age therapist and audio woo-woo peddler for KZYX public radio, Philo, Wilbur Hot Springs began life as a respectable resort for city folks in 1863.
