Regarding the frost fan controversy, I’m curious about the decision-making process local grape growers used that produced giant, community-disrupting noise machines? For example, did they do any research at all into alternative, quieter wind machines such as Shur Cold Air Drains and the 4-blade Australian Frost Fans? And, if so, why did they choose the loudest alternative? Was an alternative of having more, but quieter fans rejected as too expensive? Was it a strictly bottom-line, community-be-damned decision?
Posts published in “Features”
At 5:16am the Boy Scout Camp, Navarro, reported a “combative, hallucinogenic (sic) patient. A 500-person “juggling fair” was underway at the Camp. We suspect, however, a rave whose alleged 500 attendees were juggling ecstasy, some of which they just happened to ingest, hence the combative, hallucinating juggler.
THE THREE PERSONS arrested earlier this week in a Fort Bragg DEA raid, complete with helicopter, are identified as Rebecca Reynolds, 53, her daughter Jayne Reynolds, 28 and Travis Nichols, 25, all of Fort Bragg,…
Preliminary Election Results;
Masonite Water Right Revoked;
Incompetents, Not Fascists;
Noise Investigation;
Husch Hand Digging;
Home Run BBQ;
Catch of the Day;
Police Calls;
Ukiah/Hopland Fire;
No Bookmobile Today;
Comptche BBQ;
Willits Wetlands;
The Oligarchy;
Modern Physics;
Dog Killers
Pension Tension;
Bypass Modification;
Police Calls;
Medical Assistants;
ElderHome Fundraiser;
Big Easy's Krishna;
Biography for the Birds;
Little Bighorn (Day 4);
Tie Goes to the Fracker
SF Yesterday & Today;
Crazy Gun Laws;
Water Issues;
Rural Skills;
Quieter Fans;
Sunbeam Lovers;
Wolf Fear;
Election Day;
Writer's Face;
Catch of the Day;
Little Bighorn (Day 3);
Helpless Americans;
First Yosemite Photographs
Hit & Walk;
Drunken Consequences;
Playing Water Gods;
Postal Mysteries;
Poor Political Power;
Prohibition Countdown;
Catch of the Day;
Police Calls;
In Some Summers;
Little Bighorn (Day 2);
Botched Lethal Injection