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Posts published in “Features”

My Bad

I first heard the expression “My Bad” used on a bas­ketball court circa 1975. The expression most likely came into being among jazz musicians, for…

Off the Record

AN INDIGNANT editorial by D. Glenn O'Hara in last week's ICO thundered on about the inept management of a recent Point Arena City Council meeting,…

Letters to the Editor

A FORMULA FOR DISASTER Dear Mr. Anderson: A nuclear bomb explodes with great force destroy­ing immediately with blast, then destroying long-term with radioactivity. Detonated at…

Battering Pollyanna

I am amazed that I have never even been in an Oldsmobile. Cadillacs, Gremlins, Jaguars, GMCs — I even drove a Ferrari once — but…

Valley People

THE INVESTIGATION continues into that tractor loader abandoned in Little Mill Creek, Navarro. The tractor is only one of several pieces of stolen construction equipment,…


A BIG WET WATER SCAM Editor: The Central Valley of California spans almost the length of the state. It lies in a generally north-south direction.…
