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Posts published in “Features”

What’s Going On?

One of my guilty pleasures is watching sports highlights on my computer, many of which are prefaced by thirty-second ads for shoes, cars, beer, and the Army.

What’s Really Going On In Libya?

It looks as though eastern Libya will slide into the Medi­terranean under the sheer weight of western journal­ists assembled in Benghazi and Misrata. A tsunami of breathless reports suggests that Misrata is enduring travails not…

Off The Record

LAST WEEK, as the rest of us scratched our puzzled noggins, the Board of Supervisors concluded what they called their “decision making matrix,” a process steered by a volunteer “facilitator” from Ukiah named Steve Zuieback.

Valley People

ANDERSON VALLEY said goodbye to Fritz Kuny last Sunday at graveside services conducted by Pastor Willie Roberts followed by a gathering of the old logger's extensive population of family and friends at the Apple Hall.…

Off the Record

AL WHITE of Husch Vineyards, Philo, was mentioned this way in the Press Democrat of Thursday, April the 7th: “Alfred White, a Ukiah grower who described him-self as an environmentalist, said the move to regulate…

Young Pot Moms

“Youth is wasted on the young.” — George Bernard Shaw When I and my middle-aged and elderly Mendocino Elk Albion Fort Bragg peers convene, talk often turns to the paucity of younger people coming along…

Valley People

LIKE EVERYONE ELSE who knew Fritz Kuny, I'm really sorry to see him go. Another old logger who began his long life in the Mendocino County forests woods as a kid, and went on working…

Valley People

SARA IVEY, the pleasant and capable manager at the Boonville School’s office, graciously provides the latest personnel updates: 1. Kira Brennan has applied to return to duty from leave of absence 2. Robert Waring, long-time…

Off the Record

HANK SIMS WRITES: 'The Eureka Times-Standard kicks off with a piece on Humboldt County’s newest booming business opportunity: Raw logs shipped directly to Asia. Humboldt Bay Harbor District officials are expecting the business to grow…
