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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: March 19, 2012

A STORY in Sunday's Chron asks, “How do you tell if someone is too stoned to drive? States that allow medical marijuana have grappled with determining impairment levels for years. And voters in Colorado and…

Mendocino County Today: March 18, 2012

JOHN HOTCHKISS WRITES: In the Mexican-American War (1846-48), 1000 Irish conscripts in General Taylor's army in Texas began to desert (because of gross discrimination),  and crossed the Rio Grand to join the Mexicans, who treated…

Mendocino County Today: March 17, 2012

SEAN WHITE, manager of the Russian River Flood Control and Water Conservation Improvement District, said Thursday, “We have put over 4,000 acre feet into storage just with this one storm. I expect to get twice…

Mendocino County Today: March 16, 2012

IN SOMEWHAT of a surprise, the Ukiah City Planning Commission unanimously refused to approve the proposed Walmart expansion plan Wednesday night, oddly combining complaints about inadequate landscaping with much more serious likely job loss from…

Mendocino County Today: March 15, 2012

THE WILLITS BY-PASS. Is it really a go? Phil Dow, the local highway and biway guy, noted recently that the project no longer includes CMIA (corridor mobility improvement account) money, which is bond money. Dow…

Letters To The Editor

INTOLERABLE Editor, So classic: your nephew hosts Barack Obama and you were busy walking around north beach, probably for the better, I’m sure you would have been incapable of holding your tongue, for good reason…

Pardon Power

The Mississippi Supreme Court has upheld two-term Republican Gov. Haley Barbour’s pardons. This quintessential southern good old boy issued 203 of them in January on his last day in office, a hefty total for Mississippi.…

On The Murder Of Mountain Lions

Surely you’ve been following the controversy surrounding California Fish & Game Commission President Dan Richards, who took a hunting trip up to Idaho and ended up slaughtering a mountain lion with high-powered weaponry for kicks.…

The Manure Chronicles, Part I

Sandy calls to say she’s gotten permission to harvest rabbit manure from her friend’s rabbit barn. So I load my wheelbarrow and a big shovel into my little old pickup and head for Fort Bragg. A sunny spring morning, the angry winds of the past few days in abeyance, I roll along the Comptche-Ukiah Road at forty miles per and try to remember if over the decades of gathering manure for my various gardens, I have ever scored more than a baggy of rabbit manure. Horse, mule, cow, sheep, goat, chicken…but never a truckload of rabbit poop, until today.
