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Posts published in “Features”

The Sound Of Shellac

The man credited with convincing the global consumers that it is worth the effort and money and environmental degradation to condense their music libraries onto a matchbook-sized (or somewhat larger) gadget has announced his retirement.…

Mendocino County Today: March 22, 2012

IT TOOK HIS JURY only three hours to find Richard ‘Rick’ Kruse guilt of molesting a 7-year-old-girl he babysat in his home five years ago. The child is now 11. A 40-year-old woman had also…

River Views

March is a month of change. Winter often goes out holding a thunderous grudge. Sometimes the wild weather brings in exotic birds, blown dramatically off migratory course by El Nino-like storms. The “Big Year” record…

The Manure Chronicles, Part II

“Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.”— William Wordsworth Long ago in the Santa Cruz of 1972, I was a member of a large commune occupying…

Off The Record

FERNDALE HIGH SCHOOL'S football program has been put on probation for next season by NorCal's high school sports honchos. A few of Ferndale's more oafish fans have pelted visiting teams with what the school bureaucrats…

Valley People

TWO LOCAL MEN were arrested Friday afternoon (16 March) in a raid on the Hutsell Lane, Boonville, home of Vince Ballew, 45, a long-time resident of the Anderson Valley. Also arrested was Dino Mariani, 40,…

‘Shepherds Of The Nation’

Despite my better judgment and sometimes sensitive stomach, I caught a bit of the latest Republican candidate debate the other evening. The one benefit was that I finally figured out why an obscure old song…

The Head Ride III

This one’s going to be a real head ride. It’s a ride in my head going on right now. No need for a boring tire pressure check or filling up at the local fossil fuel…

Mendocino County Today: March 20, 2012

THE SEA SHELL INN, Point Arena, is closed until further notice. At approximately 3 p.m., Friday, March 16, 2012, following two days of through inspections by a team of City Officials, Licensed Building Contractor, Structural…
