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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: June 1, 2012

ON A VOTE 74-0 Assembly vote Wednesday, Assemblyman Huffman's bill to create new funding sources for state parks now moves to the State Senate. It would also require State Parks to upgrade and expand its…

Mendocino County Today: May 31, 2012

THE LOCAL ANGLE: A Contra Costa County prosecutor who had rape charges against him dismissed last year has sued the state, the county (of Contra Costa) and the city of Martinez, claiming he was the…

Mendocino County Today: May 29, 2012

OCCUPY MENDOCINO has been denied permission to hold meetings at the spacious Fort Bragg Senior Center. Which is odd because most of Coast's Occupiers are themselves fully certified geezers. It's not as if a gang…

Back To 1980

Let me whisk you to 1980 on one of Obama’s miracle drones. In the right-center we had incumbent President Jimmy Carter, derided as a man of peace, el wimpo. True his top foreign policy man…

Letters To The Editor

NOT JUST WOMEN Editor, Mendocino Coast Clinics sent an article to the Fort Bragg Advocate-News about celebrating National Women's Health Week. “It's Your Time” is the theme of the article with the implication that women…

20 Minutes From Disneyland

Dear Editor and readers, Thanks again so much for the support and subscription all this time I've been down. It's made this state tour almost bearable. I'm currently locked down in Chino, California on a…


“I would suspect that the hardest thing for you to accept is your own beauty. Your own worth. Your own dignity. Your own royal pedigree. Your priestly identity as one who blesses and is blessed…

River Views

Your average Mendocino County shopper probably wouldn’t think twice about purchasing naturally flavored incense. The key words are “naturally flavored.” The natural flavor in some incense is castoreum, made from the secretions of the sacs between the anus and the external genitals of beavers.

Going Downtown

This morning on the 38 Geary inbound in San Francisco a woman, head down reading a book, was wearing a black velvet floppy hat with a button that had a message. Dear Jesus, it began.…
