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Posts published in “Features”

Valley People

TWO SHARP EARTHQUAKE jolts were delivered to Boonville at 8:15 Tuesday morning. At work high atop the Farrer Building in the center of town, I headed for the door to seek confirmation from Torrey Douglas…

Mendocino County Today: September 25, 2012

IN WHAT SOUNDS like the latest step in a standoff between Coast Hospital and its employees union, Coast Hospital CEO Ray Hino announced last week that he is asking his Board of Trustees to consider…

Mendocino County Today: September 24, 2012

POINT ARENA'S PERENNIALLY TROUBLED school district naturally comes with a perennially incompetent school board whose utter inability to manage any school district let alone one always teetering on the edge of state conservatorship was on…

Mendocino County Today: September 23, 2012

GARAGE-MAJAL: Re: The Mendocino Transit Authority's new building. Nice building, sort of a “Garage-mahal.” $1200 per square foot. Just for comparison, my new building that Doug Crane put up, around $100 per square foot. The…

Mendocino County Today: September 22, 2012

“WOMEN ON THE LAND.” Film documents the early days of the back-to-the-land movement. By Jane Futcher. Award-winning filmmakers Laurie York and Carmen Goodyear of Mendocino Coast Films presented their new documentary, “Women on the Land:…

Mendocino County Today: September 21, 2012

KYM KEMP ( REPORTS: Only in Humboldt (or possibly Mendocino) would a county sheriff support a Public Service Announcement (PSA) that teaches marijuana growers safe hiring practices. Just this last week, the Humboldt County Sheriff’s…

Letters To The Editor

Dear Editor, In a letter in the September 5th AVA, I reported that the California assembly had passed by a unanimous 80-0 vote, HR 35, a non-binding resolution which condemned all protests on state university…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. And I can think of no better place to do that than by getting straight to the topic of the week at…

River Views

Fifteen years ago a South African music enthusiast established aweb site that he called “The Great Rodriguez Hunt.” Rodriquez was an obscure singer/songwriter from the Detroit area whose two albums disappeared into the dustbin of…
