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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: June 21, 2013

THE MENDOCINO COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE has formally identified the victim of a shooting near a Spy Rock Road pot garden as Upper Lake resident Hugo Olea-Lopez, 23. Olea-Lopez was found dead of a single gunshot…

Letters To The Editor

WHAT ARE THE ADVENTISTS DOING TO HOWARD HOSPITAL? Editor, What a difference a year makes! Howard Hospital, what has happened to the patient/customer friendly small town hospital we had? Back in 2011, I had the…

Off The Record

IN THE GRAND TRADITION of imperial fraud, American style, Obama will provide weapons to the Syrian rebels, many of whom are Taliban-oriented fanatics. Within our lifetimes, we've had the Gulf of Tonkin pretext to kick…

Valley People

NO DETAILS as we went to press Tuesday, but a female pedestrian was struck by a car in downtown Boonville about 10am. She was taken by ambulance to Ukiah. SAVE THE DATE! The Hendy Woods…

Mendocino County Today: June 20, 2013

HUMBOLDT: Life on America’s Marijuana Frontier—A Book Destined to be a Classic Look at this County and Cannabis by Kym Kemp (Courtesy For those who have replaced copy after copy of Ray Raphael’s Cash…

Mendocino County Today: June 19, 2013

IN SUNDAY'S UKIAH DAILY JOURNAL, Tommy Wayne Kramer conflates hippies and “the left.” He said the hippies have stopped lots of cool progress like rural bypasses erected by those prodigies of engineering, Caltrans. A discernible…

Ling Ch’i Ching

One of my great pleasures is to look back over the course of events that brought me to my current relationship with a beloved place or person or thing, and to remember the coincidences and actions and interactions that were key steps in those journeys from there to here, then to now.

River Views

We’re only a year removed from Matt Cain’s perfect game. Certainly legions of Giants fans would say this was the finest performance ever by a major league pitcher. Older aficionados with a sense of the…

Mendocino County Today: June 18, 2013

STOP THE PRESSES! In a hard hitting lead story by Brett Wilkerson in Saturday's Santa Rosa Press Democrat called Wineries Court Gay Customers, Wilkerson begins, “Los Angeles couple Brian Chield and Bryan Hollingshead sat around…
