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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: July 20, 2013

MOTHER FACES JAIL TIME after allowing toddler access to meth, alcohol. A Boonville mother who admitted to allowing her toddler son to ingest life-threatening amounts of methamphetamine and alcohol will serve 270 days in county…

Mendocino County Today: July 19, 2013

ANOTHER REASON not to shop at Walgreens. The Starbucks of drug stores is 
refusing to sell the current edition of Rolling Stone because it has a
 picture of crazy-boy Boston bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, on the…

Letters To The Editor

CALTRANS v. BIRDS Editor, From the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: URGENT UPDATE: In the US alone, over 250 species of birds are endangered, threatened, or of growing conservation concern. This means 1 in 4 birds…

Mendocino County Today: July 18, 2013

THIS JUST IN. The Mateel Community Center, Garberville-Redway, has decided not to use ammonium sulfate to green up the grass on their Eel River venue for Reggae on the River. ======================================================== REPORTS FROM POINT ARENA…


“In individuals, insanity is rare: but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.” — Friedrich Nietzsche My brother sent me an email with a link to a page at Amazon where one…

Off The Record

MENDOCINO COAST TELEVISION has been forced to cease operations. It was an important, sometimes pivotal, public media for many years, bringing public meetings into the livingrooms of Coast residents in the Fort Bragg-Mendocino area plus a wide range of cultural offerings.

Mendocino County Today: July 17, 2013

A CALLER noticed a full pallet of ammonium phosphate at Friedman Brothers, Ukiah, with a note attached that said, “Special Order, Mateel Community Center.” Why would the Mateel want golf course (and/or bomb making) chemicals?…

Valley People

EVERYONE who knew Dick Durrett is saddened to learn of   his passing. A long time resident of Yorkville, Mr. Durrett had been ill for some time. A quiet, modest man in a noisy time,…

Farm To Farm

Temperatures are finally climbing into the mid-90s after one of the coldest, most overcast, lingering springs on recollection. Summer crops are thirsting for sunshine. Thanks to wire hoops and plastic rowcovers I succeeded in bringing…
