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Posts published in “Features”

The Way Of Things

My brother sent me a fascinating article published recently in New Scientist that warns of the impending loss of a gigantic part of our recent cultural heritage. To quote from the article: “Magnetic tape begins to degrade chemically in anything from a few years to a few decades, depending on its precise composition.”

Borne Arms & Bare Behinds

Whistling down the Amtrak line in the region of Fernley, Nevada, about five in the afternoon, in the observation car under a lid of smoke from Sierra Nevada fires, scanning the murky sagebrush hills for…

Off The Record

KARMA MITE? Area pot farmers are in a major panic at the appearance of the hemp rust (or “russet”) mite. If this new pest gets into your pot garden, your garden is gone in a…

Valley People

MIKE LANGLEY, 60, has died. The popular, long-time resident of the Anderson Valley, died from a heart attack at a Chico restaurant. He had been in failing health since 2008 when he suffered a stroke.…

Why Do We Need Homes?

I went to Berkeley’s first task force on homelessness the other night. It answered a few questions for me, but it also raised a lot more. Chief among them, I guess, is what is the…

Mendocino County Today: September 3, 2013

KARMA MITE? Area pot farmers are in a major panic at the appearance of the hemp rust (or hemp russet) mite. If this new pest gets into your pot garden, your garden is gone in…

Mendocino County Today: September 2, 2013

LABOR DAY WEEKEND in a country where less than 15% of people who work for wages are represented by a labor union, and less than that in Mendocino County unless you're a teacher or a…

Mendocino County Today: September 1, 2013

SPIKE'S FINEST HOUR. Obama's missile blitz of Syria seems to have stalled, with even conservative liberals like our Congressman Huffman falling in behind Barbara Lee of Oakland and John Garamendi of Sacramento County in demanding…

Mendocino County Today: August 31, 2013

AVA, MARCH 2013 — This rumor is making the rounds on the Mendocino Coast: The sprawling (by Coast standards) Heritage House, recently purchased by a certain Mr. Greene out of Florida who flies in and…
