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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Last Chance Squandered -
Tichinin Endorses Hyphenate -
Resource Wars -
Meth Padded Bra -
Muddy Shoe Bandit -
Drummer Bummer -
Ambulance Privatization Moves Forward -
How KMUD Kicked KZYX's Butt -
Smart Water Use Suggested -
Police Report

Mendocino County Today: Monday, March 10, 2014

Offshore Quakes -
Tichinin to Retire, and Ab Dive -
New College Prez Reyes Rankles -
In Praise of Sobriety -
Adventists Covet MCDH -
Thirsty Alfalfa, Cattle, China -
The Fighting Men of Yesteryear -
Fish Walker Arrested -
Stornetta National Monument -
In Defense of Potheads -
Police Report

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, March 9, 2014

THE BIG BUST last week of the Love In It Cooperative headquartered in Albion, apparently began in Colorado, according Capt. Greg Van Patten, of the Mendo Sheriff's Department. Colorado police intercepted a package of cash, another package of dope and soon alerted Mendocino County of the intercepts.

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, March 8, 2014

Goodbye Joyce Murray -
Wylie and Galletti to Challenge Tichinin -
Sako Attack -
KZYX's Night of Dysfunctional Tedium -
Operation Meat Axe -
McKnight's Night Out -
Crockett's Bad Plan -
What Teens are Reading -
No County for Young Men

Mendocino County Today: Friday, March 7, 2014

COSTCO MOVES AHEAD. The Ukiah City Council voted 4-1 Wednesday Night, Steve Scalmanini dissenting, to deny the appeal of the permit for a 148,000 square-foot Costco on the town's big box row along Highway 101.

Letters (Mar 5, 2014)

The other night at about 9pm after a busy evening of diners, a fight broke out at the Buckhorn. I guess what bothers me most about this is who was involved and the “redneck” mentality that seems to take over.

Valley People (Mar 5, 2014)

MARCH MIRACLE, take two. Last year we got a nice late rain, and this year we got another one, a real trash mover as they say in Boontling that fell all day Monday, ceasing about…
