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Posts published in “Features”

Off The Record (Apr 9, 2014)

AS PRINT NEWSPAPERS pass into the frenetic oblivion of the internet — the Newark Star-Ledger is the latest large-circulation paper to radically downsize — the AVA is also poised to make fundamental changes, changes made…

Letters (Apr 9, 2014)

It is terribly disappointing the way the trees have been butchered on the East side of Signal Ridge where it runs into Philo-Greenwood! Five or ten years ago the little oaks there were so lovely, and you could not even tell that there was a vineyard in there — over the years "you" (county road crews or their hires), or the phone co or PG&E have systematically done extremely poor pruning jobs on them so that the trees got into such bad shape they had to be removed!

Valley People (Apr 9, 2014)

UNCONFIRMED RUMORS say Captain Rainbow and Yvonne Dunton will soon be back in the Valley. They'd been working in an ethnically tense region of Myanmar, formerly Burma, when they inadvertently became the centerpiece of an…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Apr 9, 2014

Spy Rock Tumble;
Judges' New Courthouse;
Richardson's Third DUI;
Being Republican;
Four Blood Moons;
Big Birthday Fire;
Bancroft Book Reception;
Fremont Book Review;
Ukiah Signage;
Prison Tornadoes;
Craig Gets An Offer

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Like Ducks to Water;
Planning Department's Year in Review;
Marijuana Price Index;
Smart Car Tipping;
Narcs Visit Doc;
For Bartleby;
Report from Indiana;
Warren Takes Aim;
Solartopian Revolution;
Police Reports

Mendocino County Today: Monday, April 7, 2014

Diverting the Eel;
Homeless Youths Address Supes;
Sheep Shearing and Raw Milk;
Ringo's Medical Research;
Hamm's Brewing Company;
DiFi Pumping Delta Water South

Mendocino County Today: Sun, Apr 6, 2014

Sneaker Waves;
Bypass Season;
Weekend Clinic;
Dope Futures;
Whither New Yorker;
Dead Air;
It Takes Three;
CP's Reading List;
Goodbye Lawrence Ringo;
Awake at Night;
Gaining Momentum;
Civic Pursuits;
Gump Art;
Farewell Peter Matthiessen;
Mismanaged Nation;
Police Reports

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, April 5, 2014

AVA Print Changes;
Lauren's Art Exhibition;
KZYX Election Aftermath;
Mandelbaum Appointment;
Arkansas/Mendo Bust;
Memory of April;
Dramaturgical Beagle;
American Exceptionalism;
Affordable-Housing Tarbaby;
Love Calls;
Bush Paints;
Police Report

Mendocino County Today: Friday, April 4, 2014

Goldeneye Pumping;
Expensive Judges;
Salmon Season Starts Saturday;
KZYX Board Election Results;
Drug Take-Back Day;
Permanent Oligarchy;
Comedy of Terror;
PG&E Crime;
Another Day;
72 Years Ago;
Sunbeam Challenges Ranochak;
Drought Exaggerations;
Police Report
