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Posts published in “Features”

Live Video Link to Protests from Ferguson, Missouri

Live FEED of protesters gathering as Grand Jury announces it has reached a verdict in a police shooting that killed a young African American man. For context, below is link to Mother Jones piece of Ferguson police. cut…

Nixon and Khrushchev Discuss Kitchens and Commies

[Richard Nixon and Nikita Khrushchev's "Kitchen Debate" was a series of impromptu exchanges (through interpreters) between then U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev at the opening of the American National Exhibition at…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Nov 24

Local Rainfall Amounts;
Local Christmas Trees;
Implications of Prop. 47;
Modern Execution;
Niner Offense;
Who'll Stop The Rain;
Tone Row Jazz;
All About Gold;
Catch of the Day;
Police Reports

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Nov 23, 2014

Frisco Lawyer;
Xmas Trees;
Navarro's Mouth;
Pinizzotto's Choice;
Quote Correction;
Water Rustling;
MendoVito Chat;
Catch of the Day;
Water Crisis;
Fracking California;
Obama's Un-war;
Middlebrook Musings;
Peripatetic Stehr

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Nov 22, 2014

Iacuaniello Loses;
Visit Mendocino;
Winter Market;
Red Phil Removed;
Red Tags Removed;
MendoVito Reception;
Catch of the Day;
Winter Burning;
Immigration Changes;
Disrespecting Democracy;
Loophole King;
Feinstein Delays
