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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Dec 24, 2014

PG&E Herbicide Use;
Storm Damage Money;
Belarus Hyperinflation Panic;
Muddy Waters;
Liberal Pretensions;
Catch of the Day;
Media Politics;
Christian Soldier;
Hard Winter for Ag Workers

Letters (Dec 23, 2014)

Growing up in a small community like Ukiah there was always one particular building that stood out to me: The Palace Hotel. Whether it be walking to Dig! Music to buy a CD or driving on State Street to get to work at The Dragon’s Lair, The Palace Hotel has always been in the corner of my eye.

Welcome To California, Mr. Caldwell

I guess my first mistake was visiting California. I mean, who in their right mind would visit California? Maybe I wasn't in my right mind. I was listening to talk radio.

Valley People (Dec 23, 2014)

JESSICA TROMBLEY “and her son John Doe (infant),” have filed a damages claim against the County for $20,000. Ms. Trombley “unlawfully seized, arrested and imprisoned” her and little Doe “without probable cause.” NOT EXACTLY. Ms.…

Off the Record (Dec 23, 2014)

WE DOVE DEEP the other afternoon in an impromptu office discussion about torture. A friend said she thought people everywhere were getting worse, especially American people. The rest of us said versions of.... While we…

Enough is Enough!

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Dec 23, 2014

101 Fatality;
Hamburg/Sinnott Union;
Macheted Officer Released;
Solstice Kingtides;
Saulsbury Witnesses;
Oaky Joe Calendars;
Catch of the Day;
Christian Torture;
Dumb Left;
FB Robbers;
Santa Suggests;
First Hippie;
LAFCo Watchpup;
Holiday Reading

Anonymous Outs KKK Members

The Global Collective of Anonymous managed to document a number of high ranking members of the KKK, primarily in Missouri. These included detailed information on Frank Ancona, the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan…
