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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Apr 7, 2016

Hot One;
Downtown Ukiah;
Comparing Plans;
Opposing W;
Sheriff Doppelganger;
Wilson Background;
Wine Tourist;
Warrant Wednesday;
Mendo Busts;
Yesterday's Catch;
Project Pooch;
Calla Lilies;
Panama Papers;
Free Kindling;
Constituent Feedback;
Klamath Restoration;
Mama Tried

A Leak Has Sprung

Inside the law firm that sells secrecy to drug dealers, dictators and human traffickers.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Apr 6, 2016

Wisconsin Primary;
Felon Release;
Bird Walk;
Gay T-shirt;
GJ Response;
Past Panthers;
Forbes Article;
Yesterday's Catch;
Drought Money;
Bad Sculptures;
Neighborhood Wrestler;
Gardens Sale;
Trump Phenomenon;
Oakland Correspondant

Letters (Apr 6, 2016)

I am opposing the City's plan to permit Segways to operate on city park trails, specifically Noyo Headlands trails. I delivered a letter with my objections to Linda Ruffing and Tom Varga on Wednesday. I urge you to join me in this opposition process.

Off the Record (Apr 6, 2016)

ON A BEAUTIFUL SPRING afternoon, let's talk about syphilis. Recommended reading: "Pox — Genius, Madness, and the Mysteries of Syphilis by Deborah Hayden." Lots of interesting stuff in this book, including a history of the…

Valley People (Apr 6, 2016)


Alan Green writes:

Looking back, it doesn’t seem possible that I’ve been in the wine business for more than forty years, but it’s true. Recently, since I don’t have kids to take over, I’ve been trying to find someone to continue what I’ve worked to build over the years. Now I think I have. I am pleased to be able to pass the reins over to Ken Wilson and his family and staff.

Will Hillary Admit Inhaling Panama Red?

Or will karma's sweet smoke lift Bernie even higher?

Panamockery of a Sham

This is why I keep my thirteen bucks in a coffee can in Guatemala.
