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Posts published in “Features”

Letters (Apr 27, 2016)

Back in 1998, the Fisher family, billionaire owners of Gap and Banana Republic stores, bought 235,000 acres of heavily logged Mendocino and Sonoma County “timberland” from Louisiana Pacific, making them the largest private landowners in Mendocino County. Despite heavily publicized promises to log responsibly and sustainably, Mendocino Redwood Company (MRC) and their Humboldt division (HRC), continued clear cutting at pretty much the same destructive rate as LP had been doing, four to six percent of standing inventory per year. This is well over twice the maximum rate recommended by the late Dr. Hans Burkhardt, author of Maximizing Forest Productivity, and member of the Mendocino County Forestry Advisory Committee. Dr. Burkhardt said a rate of no more than one to two percent was necessary in order to have sustainable timber production – and he had decades of research data to back it up.

Off the Record (Apr 27, 2016)

THAT WAS AWFUL NEWS from Mendocino last week that described how an 11-year-old boy and his father, a Lake County deputy sheriff, were pulled from the ocean after they'd both been swept off the rocks…

Valley People (Apr 27, 2016)

RE SATURDAY'S SHOOTING near Hendy Woods, I should say I've known the Kuny family all the way back to when patriarch Danny Kuny was a freshman at Anderson Valley High School. Our families have been…

Why Not Relocate Israel to Mexico?

Cinco de Mayo de Passover de Red Senor? Or how about giving our staunch allies North Dakota and/or Utah? It seems a small price to pay for peace in the Middle East.

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Apr 26, 2016

Hendy Shooting;
Ukiah Murder;
FB Photos;
Mexican Cuisine;
Woodhouse Conspiracy;
Sodomy Suspicions;
Yesterday's Catch;
Americana Night;
Vegas Impression;
Mother's Day;
Awful Lull;
Civil Society;
SF Crime;
Library Events;
Tunnels Case;
Here's Donald!;
Brooklyn Encounters

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Apr 25, 2016

Knife v Gun;
U Forum;
LakeCo Lamentations;
Yesterday's Catch;
Better Republican;
Trump Tower;
Mere Appendage;
Bern Movement;
Long Prohibition;
Deck Officer Morris;
Cancer Treatments;
Pet Care;
420 Etymology

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Apr 24, 2016

AV Shooting;
Frost Forecast;
PA Cronies;
Prop W;
Crabs Better;
Drought On;
Beast Awaits;
Smoking Logic;
Mendo #2;
Yesterday's Catch;
911 Bill;
Junkfood Heaven;
Third Rails;
Camp Cruz;
Stone Berns;
Landlines Threatened;
Salmonberry Wine;
Eel Report;
Purple Rain;
The Donald;
Democratizing KZYX;
American Empire;
June 1975;
Marco Radio
