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Posts published in “Features”

Off the Record (Oct. 19, 2016)

MIKE KOEPF NOTES: “The pretentious gate to the pied-à-terre is located near the end of Cameron Road. Yes, the wealthy elite are moving in to escape the urban mess. I’ve met several in Elk and have had dinner at their homes including a couple who recently arrived who made a fortune supplying troops in Iraq. I suspect, without proof, that they may have been hooked up to the CIA. None of these recent arrivals have any interest at all with what is going on socially, politically or economically in this county. Most are nice people, and one and all they are liberal and progressive; supporters of the Clinton’s and Barack. The paradigm of our younger years is completely turned about. Save for a small established compromised elite, Republicans are no longer the party of the rich. From Goldman Sachs to Hollywood; from the Ivory towers to the New York Times, Liberal Progressives rule this land.”

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2016

Leo Hartz;
Hospital Candidates;
Wolfe Assault;
River Observations;
Philo Happenings;
Squatter Concern;
Senior Fundraiser;
AF Roadshow;
Little Dog;
Teen Wellness;
Animal People;
Yes AF;
Police Report;
Willits Candidates;
Yesterday's Catch;
America Insane;
Lewallen Events;
Rapid Rehousing;
Green Trophy;
Aloha Pause

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Oct. 17, 2016

Wet Weekend;
Local Voting;
AG & AH;
Bud Rawles;
Gun Sales;
Police Reports;
Highway Cheesecake;
Yesterday's Catch;
Little Dog;
Opaque LakeCo;
Frisco 1952;
Gender Sensitivity;
Political Illusions;
Renew Me;
Submarine Story;
CPUC Survey;
Flawed Candidates;
Canines Matter;
Talking CFPB

The Last Whale Hunt

The people of remote Kivalina haven't caught a whale in 21 years. This might the last year they even try.

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Oct. 16, 2016

Pole Tipping;
Random Statements;
Yes 61;
DA Report;
No 64;
BOS Agenda;
Hare Creek;
Little Dog;
Salad U;
1939 Headlines;
Yesterday's Catch;
True Test;
The Compass;
Different Standards;
Cryptic Note;
Groping Charges;
Cleaner Power;
CPUC Survey;
Coffee Award;
Marco Radio;
Support KMEC;
Davis Resolution;
War Criminals;
Trump Seussing
