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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Jan 21, 2016

Pension Meeting;
Navarro Beach;
Water Whining;
Jani Retiring;
Big Wave;
LakeCo Mud;
Yesterday's Catch;
LakeCo Poverty;
Hateful Graffiti;
Senior Center;
Ocean Warming;
Herbicide Spraying;
Gardening Course;
Dear WSJ;
KZYX Changes;
Prerevolutionary Moment;
Mendo Vacancies

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Jan 20, 2016

Season Total;
Mental Meeting;
Pension Problems;
Outage Survey;
No Secession;
Raskin Hassled;
Fan Case;
Wildfire Meeting;
Shelter Defense;
Righting Wrong;
Sutter Misconduct;
Yesterday's Catch;
Rethinking Bernie;
CEO Greed;
Repugnant Trump;
Edgewater Gallery;
Jobs Fair;
Student Benefit;

Letters (Jan 20, 2016)

Ever hike near a waterfall? You can feel the aerosol from hundreds of feet away. The science behind toilets shows that whenever one flushes a toilet, the toilet lid should be closed during flushing to minimize the aerosol from the toilet. E. coli bacteria has been found across whole houses where toilet seats are left up during flushing. If you're not closing the lid at home, just consider where your toothbrush sits in relation to your toilet. Public bathrooms should have lids on the toilet, and people should stop being sexist about something so mundane as a toilet seat.

Off the Record (Jan 20, 2016)

WONDERFUL ANECDOTE by Alan Haack from the MCN ListServe: Calexico and Mexicali are twin cities on the border of Mexico and California. Calexico, on the…

Valley People (Jan 20, 2016)

HIGHWAY 128 was closed at Flynn Creek Sunday evening a little before 8 in anticipation of flooding of the Navarro River. By 9pm the river…

Malachi 3:5 and the Rush to Judgment

"So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Jan 19, 2016

Rainfall Totals;
UnSaintly Nick;
Shelter Poster;
Google MLK;
Mendo Health;
Empty Buses;
Hello Beautiful;
Neuter Van;
Glenn Frey;
Political Suicide;
Yesterday's Catch;
Hillary Sliding;
Racist Mistakes;
Business Women;
Personal Peacefulness
