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Posts published in “Features”

Shaved, Crushed, Cubed & Block

Epiphanies happen. Just this weekend I was plastered to the sofa and watching the Olympics when it hit me: its all about ice, and not just these silly overhyped games played for the benefit of…

Global Village Idiots

I’m finally, and fully, tele-connected. My satellite TV gives me access to over 100 channels of programming, and my computer is now part of the worldwide web. With one machine or the other, I can…

Bye-Bye Bypass?

The Willits freeway bypass funds at risk? Oh, boo-hoo-hoo. Has the experience of thousands of small towns, hundreds of cities, tons of pollution, lungs full of poison, shortened lives, lost community and peace of mind,…

How Fluor Got $5 Billion & Nearly Blew Up Hanford

On Wednesday May 14, 1997 at 10:47 PM a chemical tank exploded in a deserted factory at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation outside Richland, Washington. The explosion was extraordinarily powerful, blowing down steel doors and shattering…

Valley People (Dec. 24, 1997)

NORM CLOW and family have endured the strongest winds ever to sweep the deep Pacific. The Clows, who maintained phone contact with the senior Clows, Bub and Elinor, here in perfectly pacific Philo while gusts…

Spirits of Christmas Past

This is the time of year when soggy, foggy winter days in Anderson Valley rarely give way to sun sightings. Inspiration enough for many of the local populace to plan a trip south, either during…

National Prozac Radio

What is it about these people? I’ve been wondering and trying to figure it out for a while now. Someone told me “Saturday Night Live” was doing a bit on NPR so I watched it…
