Nobody really gives a damn about the Indians. They’re invisible until some tumultuous event like the 1995 shootings in Round Valley gets every one tut-tutting and hustling down to the video store for vicarious empathy…
Posts published in “Features”
This is a response to Bruce Anderson's article. I did not bomb Judi Bari, or write any of the letters. There is no credible evidence that I did. Ed Gehrman can string together as many…
The New York Post has, quite rightly, been raising a fuss over the disclosure that patients in the state health system are being dosed with experimental drugs. The Post has been breaking hair-raising stories about…
In 1992, Patsy Burlesci was operating the Mendocino Popcorn Company in Fort Bragg’s Depot mini-mall. Mrs. Burlesci was also a foster parent and daycare operator. Carl Burlesci had worked much of his life as a…
Internet shopping — I confess. I did it. Sort of. My old Mac Plus is still a good typewriter, but it’s not internet-capable. (In fact, until today, the spell-checker on this thing didn’t know the…
Mendoland is gearing up for the Y2K crisis in its usual ways: inflated rhetoric with a sub-theme of muted hysteria and meetings. Folks as diverse and as, well, grounded, as 5th District Supervisor David Colfax…
So the majority supports Bill Clinton. Platonists and small-d democrats well know, however, that majorities have been deadly wrong in the past