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Posts published in “Features”

Letters (August 4, 2022)

Being the lost or forgotten coast is nothing new to longtime residents of Gualala and Anchor Bay. Parking, traffic, speed limits and local schools were the concerns of the day back in 1984…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Warming | Sam Prather | Boonville Fair | Frogtime | Arson Fire | Quiz Night | Beware Fentanyl | Haschak Zoom | Comen Appreciation | Ukiah Fair | Artist Demo | Funny Water | Ed Notes | Senior Benefit | Homelessness | Beach Boulders | Seems Wrong | Local Flowers | Sea Stories | Rotary Fundraiser | Toxic Lake | Yesterday's Catch | Dried Plants | Mind Massage | Worm Machine | Volunteer Pay | Cheatah | David Chavez | Other Cheek | Fresh Water | Old Timers | Pelosi Misadventure | Against Trump | Ukraine | War | Military Errors | Coffee Traits | Extreme California | Burning Coal | WWIII | Kinder Guardians

Off the Record (August 3, 2022)

A WOMAN called the other day to say, “I know who's setting all these fires lately.” I asked her if she'd called the Sheriff, not…

Valley People (August 3, 2022)

SAM PRATHER has died. A complete obituary to follow, but most of us know that Sam was born and raised in the Anderson Valley where…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Warming | Smokey Sun | Coastal Influence | Basketball Champs | Sam Prather | Barn Sale | Council Candidates | Comptche Firefighters | Fair Deals | Blackberry Festival | Nasty Letter | Boonville High | Antle Test | McKinney Fire | Ed Notes | Bunyan Returns | Airport Robbery | Police Reports | Yesterday's Catch | Magic Word | Woke Olympian | Albion Communards | Krishna Retirement | SLO Water | Trifecta USA | Alternate Reality | Melania Realization | Please Hold | Curie Newlyweds | Execution Wear | Big Gust | Pelosi Provocation | Stand Off

Mendocino County Today: Monday, August 1, 2022

Cooler Inland | Driftwood Tipi | Pardini Lifesaver | Caspar Highway | Bond Oversight | Albion Sky | AVFFA Exhibitors | No Carnival | Wild Areas | SEIU Charge | McKinney Fire | Actor Prepares | Lilypad Canoe | Retire Now | Three Friends | Fully Serviced | Yesterday's Catch | Albion Cabin | Lost Tapes | 70s Man | News Legislation | Help Me | Linger Not | James Lovelock | Ark Insurance | Western Civ | Schooners Landing | Ukraine | Jack Johnson | Imprisoned Vet | Solitary Horseman | Deep Racism | Classic Mustang | Stunt Legislation | EV Fuel | Rumble v Google | Bill Russell

Sicily High and Dry

The gardens of the Conca d’Oro, which surround Palermo with a magnificent belt of verdure, were withering. Food was becoming scarce. The people were in…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, July 31, 2022

Cooling | Bleeding Heart | LR Museum | Beautification Day | BBQ Benefit | Brief Rain | Cashier Warning | Mendocino Bay | Parent Notice | Pet Nellie | Lucrative Disarray | Borgna Cousins | Vacancy Money | Night Out | Crisis Team | Village Events | Ed Notes | Ng News | Boho Club | Green Vehicle | Tree Thieves | Sutherland Sisters | Sinead Call | Thrill Gone | Yesterday's Catch | Finding History | Sunday Morning | Rental Nuisance | Cartel Discovery | Margaret McMaster | Appreciate Rangers | Straight Face | Productive Yard | Pretty Boy | Last Ship | Unmitigated Ecstasy | Not Newsom | Macho Earring | This Week | Log Rolling | Marco Radio | Bug Camping | Constant Hell | Scotch Cut

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, July 30, 2022

Cooling | Heeser Rocketcar | AVUSD Update | Mendo Gridders | Narcan Dispenser | Picnic Train | AVCSD Meeting | Water Reckoning | Feldmans | Bandwidth Advocates | Cart Collecting | Roe Rage | Zachariah Crises | Monkeypox Advice | Willits Courthouse | 1928 Vista | Gopher Management | Child Labor | County Notes | Mendo Bluff | Fair Time | FB Fairway | TSR Listserve | Yesterday's Catch | Ukraine | Time Cover | Royal Copeland | Homeless Boomers | Don Kichote | Monarch Sanctuary | Wildpretti | Vet Bill | Red Lines | Crumb Room | Hunter Lapdance | Front Rows | Moyer Interview | Next War | Marco Radio | Sisyphrog
