Mendo Film office to Coast Hippies: ‘We Don’t Negotiate With Terrorists’ by Mark Scaramella Back in 1997, Warner Bros applied for a permit to make a movie on the Mendocino Headlands, a state park. According…
Posts published in “Features”
THE LOST KAYAKER, the update: Rod Giuliani, the Greenwood Road volunteer firefighter, was dispatched to the Philo-Greenwood Bridge to see if the lost kayaker had floated downstream from where his partner came ashore. Turns out,…
GARETT MATSON OF FORT BRAGG has been arrested again, this time for grand theft, receiving stolen property and embezzlement. Matson's bail is set at a total of $75,000. He has been in trouble for years,…
A CLOSE OBSERVER of municipal lawsuits against the state's Department of Finance summarizes them this way: “We started this project and if you don't let us finish, the City will suffer harm/hardship.” Most of the…
As 2012 draws to a close it is a good time to give an update on the school construction projects and to answer a few Phase One of our projects started last summer is 99%…
PUNISHING D-TANK Editor, Punish one, Punish all. I am one of the many inmates in Mendocino County Jail in Ukiah who have prison terms in our past and who are housed in administrative segregation under…
Dave Smith’s invaluable Ukiah Blog Live pointed me to a sobering presentation by Guy MacPherson on YouTube entitled Twin Sides of the Fossil Fuel Coin. MacPherson is a prominent conservation biologist who argues clearly and concisely that the only hope for the survival of humans beyond another couple of decades is the complete collapse of our global industrial society right now, today, and even that probably won’t be soon enough to stave off fast-approaching human extinction and the extinction of virtually all living things due to increasingly rapid global warming.