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Posts published in “Features”

Music For The Sickbed

Using music as medicine goes back to Antiquity and beyond. The Greeks were not alone in recognizing that music was powerful stuff, capable of not only calming the body, but also of rousing it. Administered…

The God That’s Failing

Turn on the TV and you hear the predictable bray from predictable types like Mort Zuckerman, Zbigniev Brzezinski, John Bolton and the Israel Lobby passim that, say what you will, Mubarak and Tunisia’s ejected president…

Letters To The Editor

PULLING TEETH Editor, I was born in 1938. In that year the American Medical Association got the legislation it wanted from the FDR Administration here in the USA. A day that should go down in…

Off The Record

This Week: Susan Keegan's suspicious death, Fort Bragg's hatchet attack, Ukiah's new finance director and much more

Valley People

GARRETT MABERY, 18, is recovering at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital from a terrible accident late Monday afternoon. Garrett was airlifted to the hospital with injuries described by one witness as “serious but not life-threatening.” From…

Letters to the Editor

WAY TO GO, NPR! Dear All Things Considered, Many thanks for yesterday's story about the shocking revelations brought forward by Al Jazeera concerning the astounding offer made by Mahmoud Abbas to the Israelis; for those…

Taking A Hike

Tucson is surrounded by four mountain ranges, one in each direction. The city is sandwiched between the two halves of beautiful Saguaro National Park. Coronado National Forest lies to the north of town. So does…

Creeping Up On God

So this guy goes to see a psychiatrist and after 50 minutes the psychiatrist says, “I think you’re crazy.” And the guy says, “Hey, wait a minute. I want to get a second opinion.” And…
