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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Oct. 7, 2022

Warming | Fogbow | Downtown Meeting | Dog Care | Mail Ballots | Philo Pumpkins | Westport Evening | Trailer Stolen | Homecoming Week | Meet Candidates | Grocery Outlet | Lansing Street | Forest Project | Daisy Loco | Ballot Shift | Tire Disposal | Women Voters | Ag Dinner | Grift Question | Chestnut Gathering | Succulent Cuttings | Rail/Trail Scam | Parade Photo | Orgasmic Suspension | Hippie Bust | Funeral Exhibit | Yesterday's Catch | Pyramid Building | Old Westport | Humboldt Lawsuit | Ukiah Milling | Milling About | Laytonville Warrior | KGO Death | Solar City | Nuclear Disasters | Cooking Tip | Dark/Light | Police Report | Fed Pardon | Trees Talk | Hunter Case | Drum Wonder | Pipeline Bomber | Chickenhead | Ukraine | Evolution | Prevent Extremism | Trick or Trump

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022

High Pressure | Henry Gundling | Coast Collision | Mushroom Music | Voter Registration | Fall Party | Flu Shots | Pot Money | Mathes Memorial | Murder Suspect | Lighthouse Rebuild | Ed Notes | Bragg Dusk | MAC Events | PA Pier | Hobo Trail | 1983 Storm | Art Walk | Flooding | Pot Lawsuit | Surge | Harvest Tidrick | Aftermath | Transportation Survey | Yesterday's Catch | Nuclear Embrace | Anchor Inn | Medical Debt | Kali Chant | Esther Story | Orwell Goat | Food Fetish | Reasonable Likeness | Commonwealth | Hurricane Relief | Halper Dismissed | Gags Bags | Assange v Bolton | Favorite Chair | Ukraine | Sufi Dervish | Armageddon Clock | Bong Request

Letters (Oct. 6, 2022)

Saying nuclear power plants are clean and safe because they don’t emit carbon-based waste is like saying knives can’t hurt us because they can’t shoot us…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022

Coast Cloudy | Fashauer Service | Boonquiz | Aaron Vossler | Loggers | Candidate Forum | Grange Flapjacks | Hendy Campout | Pest Patterson | Log Stack | Wildlife Exclusion | Redwood Log | Property Clearing | Halved | FAFSA Workshop | Debarker | Ed Notes | Milling | Ian Recovery | Flood Resident | Hastings Lawsuit | Millworker | F&G Grants | Albion Bluffs | Recycling Centers | Yesterday's Catch | Rural Poverty | Social Obligations | Vegan Protein | Dry Wells | Brain Damage | Glorious Sunset | Marlene Dietrich | CEO Greed | Mind Hum | Clean Water | Fox Chicks | Nuke On | Fake It | Ukraine | Lincoln Notes | Big Loser | Bacon Book

Off the Record (Oct. 5, 2022)

READING THE EMINENTLY READABLE ‘Medium Raw’ by the late Anthony Bourdain, and what a big loss that guy is. The book's subtitle is “A bloody…

Valley People (Oct. 5, 2022)

ON MONDAY AFTERNOON (September 26) AV Fire Department units responded to a structure fire on Josephina's Road, Philo (off Ray’s Road), and found an old…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022

High Pressure | Bragg Bluffs | Early Dismissal | Carrot Plane | Pot Agenda | Mandolin Manny | Help Wanted | Dog Snatchers | Polesitter | Ed Notes | Cactus Flower | Youth Jailbreak | Bonna & Meg | Dem Club | Yesterday's Catch | Suspicious Opposition | Fair Patrol | No 26/27 | Mark Twain | Groucho | Accept Thyself | Seven Ages | NY Firefight | Songbird Migration | Tall Trestle | Great Beatdown | Piggybacking | Human Composting | WMI | Bourdain Bio | Sheared Date | Ukraine | Gloves On | In Chuhuiv | Play Dead | Pipeline Destruction | Trump & Crumb

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Oct. 3, 2022

Warming | Ian Damage | Dissolve MCHD | Albion Pier | Grange Pancakes | Wendling Logged | AV Events | Vined Twig | Cannabis Recommendations | Camp 15 | Bumblebee Plight | Lumber Carts | Macdonald Book | Yesterday's Catch | Hiking London | Small Parade | Marco Radio | Sinker Machine | Niner Tickets | Albion Mill | Women Prostitutes | God Child | Israel Discussion | Supremes 1965 | Ukraine | Supremes 2022 | Putin Medea | Libra

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022

Onshore Breeze | Poison Oak | Navarro Drowning | Conners | Huckleberries | Ag Teachers | Native Plants | Deer Huntress | Ukiah Matters | Pet Phoebe | Social Services | Borgnas | Homestead Wanted | Coin-Op Typewriter | Harassment Case | Ed Notes | Hopland Beauties | Tessgate | Louisa Knox | Undergrounding Bill | Beacon Memories | Yesterday's Catch | Dr Strangelove | TV Guide | Humboldt Rising | Lunchtime | Less Meat | New Albion | Home Prices | Replace Lawn | Car Culture | Gym Class | Fast Driving | Try Water | Lula Returns | Tooth Extractor | Ukraine | Big Fish | Mob Mentality | Individual | Peace Obstacle | Confucian Dream
