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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: September 2, 2013

LABOR DAY WEEKEND in a country where less than 15% of people who work for wages are represented by a labor union, and less than that in Mendocino County unless you're a teacher or a…

Mendocino County Today: September 1, 2013

SPIKE'S FINEST HOUR. Obama's missile blitz of Syria seems to have stalled, with even conservative liberals like our Congressman Huffman falling in behind Barbara Lee of Oakland and John Garamendi of Sacramento County in demanding…

Mendocino County Today: August 31, 2013

AVA, MARCH 2013 — This rumor is making the rounds on the Mendocino Coast: The sprawling (by Coast standards) Heritage House, recently purchased by a certain Mr. Greene out of Florida who flies in and…

Mendocino County Today: August 30, 2013

WE KNEW Victoria Shanahan as Victoria Jenny when she worked as a Mendocino County senior prosecutor under the late DA, Norm Vroman. A native of Willits where her dad worked for RemCo, Ms. Jenny married…

Mendocino County Today: August 29, 2013

THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY of the March for Jobs and Freedom made for painful listening. The original made Martin Luther King famous. Today's event was a bad joke, an insult to King's memory and really nothing…

Letters To The Editor

DEWILDERING POINT ARENA Editor, Superintendent Cross of Point Arena referred to the document I requested under the Public Records Act as a “preliminary” document. This document was sent to the entire board and discussed more…

Beautiful Noize

The summer road trip seems to offer the chance to catch up on all those recordings accumulated over the previous year. Depending on your perspective, the endless government pork ladled out onto the highways of…
