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Posts published in “Features”

The Ghost of Philip True

The story had everything: drugs, rape, torture, angry Indians, a corrupt justice system, gringo intervention… Philip True would have loved to cover it. But True,…

When It Comes to War…We’re All Profiteers

Guns or butter. Butter or guns. If you take both, you’ll run out of funds.  For generations, the economic textbooks taught that a country had…

Refuting Refutations

ROB ANDERSON WRITES: This article is keyed to the “Factsheet on the Judi Bari Bombing” by Jim Martin, editor and publisher of Flatland, a magazine/catalogue…

Anderson Valley Prepares for Terrorist Attacks

Last Wednesday Fire Chief Colin Wilson asked the Community Service District board for $750 for a variety of hazardous materials response items — tyvek suits,…

Dirty Hippies

Richard Johnson’s irregularly published “Mendocino Country Environmentalist” of November 12, 2001 contains what at first appears to be an ad for Pacific Internet of Ukiah.…

Glenda Goes Off

Glenda Anderson is the senior reporter at the Ukiah Daily Journal. She lives with Mike Sweeney. Sweeney, assisted by supervisor Richard Shoemaker and people like…

Where Were They When It Counted?

The weekend before Thanksgiving, as the Taliban fled into the Hindu Kush and America’s children flocked to Harry Potter, the nation’s opinion formers discovered that…

Water Works

For the past three years, I’ve been urging the Board of Supervisors to assert their leadership, via the dormant county Water Agency, in the critical…

Tenth Mountain Mule

We led mules, one GI to each mule, just another exercise for us and the mules and none of us knowing where we were headed…
