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Posts published in “Features”

Bari Trial Begins

Late Tuesday morning, with a 12-member jury selected and impaneled, attorney Dennis Cunningham, lead counsel for Darryl Cherney and the estate of Judi Bari, delivered…

Yer Outtathere!

The reason we have an endless stream of interscholastic sports from elementary age on up is that such competition supposedly “builds character.” Perhaps. But many…

Museum Follies

Last week, we discussed the Supes aversion to priorities. I cited three examples (Board approval of thousands of dollars of retroactive pay raises for four…

At Table with Granny

My grandmother loved language; she loved words and, having been blessed with a classic education that included Latin and Greek as well as French, she…

50 Years of James Bond

The most successful saga in postwar popular culture got off to a conscientious start after breakfast on a tropical morning in Jamaica early in 1952.…

One Stamp

It was right around 2:56pm PST, and the Post Office closes — or, at any rate, bars new entrants — promptly at 3 on Saturdays.…

Tipping in America

Tip-skimming has surfaced in Boston, and there can’t be a tipper in America who, on hearing the news, doesn’t exclaim, “The greedy bastards!” In a…

Making Noise

This morning, as I drove into Boonville for my cup of tea at Glad's, most of the vineyards had their sprinklers going full blast protecting…

Let’s Play 162

So, why is baseball wonderful? Certainly, not because George Will and George W. pretend to be fans. Not on account of any of the hackneyed…
