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Posts published in “Features”

Valley People (Nov. 2, 2022)

UH OH. A warm, dry winter is in store for much of California as La Niña conditions are slated to persist through at least January,…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022

Cold Wet | Missing Person | Skate Park | Bargaining Chip | Sunrise | Ed Notes | Celebrating Women | Crabbing Delayed | Acorn Festival | Vote Against | Donuts | Veterans Day | Thin Veil | Giant Pumpkin | Yesterday's Catch | Entitled Elite | Ozark Gas | Rethink Dairies | Kwasi | Broad Education | Gun Dump | Twitterpated | Touch Not | Trump Not | Perp ID | Wicked Man | Two Devils | Cockamamie Story | Hammertime | SF Shenanigans | Flying Bugs | Ukraine | Both Times | Repercussions | Starbucks Sucks | Deathbed Confession | Long Night

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Oct. 31, 2022

Cold Rain | FFA Fieldtrip | AV Events | 101 Fatality | Dems Endorse | Whitesboro Wharf | MCHCD Future | McCowenspotting | Rolling Pharmacy | McEwen Carving | CA Issues | Early Ukiah | Bookshop Events | Witch Crash | Nurturing Violence | Yesterday's Catch | Niners Win | Lefty Gomez | Marco Radio | Statues Rising | Two Upgrades | Mississippi Son | Luxury Flop | Mouse Archer | Dystopia 2022 | Death Rides | A Newspaper | Ghosting | Dogshit Confession | Paleface Time | X Settlement | Paradise Lost | Lula Wins | Parent Protest | Black Baseball | Zola | Ukraine | Entwined | Gearhart Documentary

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Oct. 30, 2022

Warm | Smoky | Waidelich Rumors | Pet Rory | Skatepark Meeting | Holiday Bazaar | Ed Notes | Milkman Dave | Probation Officer | Thespians | SLAPPing KZYX | Noyo 65 | Transportation Survey | Volunteer Fal | Beerfest Tix | Christine Landing | Coast Hospital | Yesterday's Catch | Philly Spring | Old Rhodo | Trail Suit | Skeleton | Aloha Bound | Ice Soup | Prop 1 | Beacon Float | Meeting Giants | Quartet | Jivan Ditty | Deaf Joy | Othering | Ofrenda | DST Ending | Rollins Exit | Concert Poster | Feral Mood | Washing Machines | Living Rough | Polar Dreams | This Week | Iceberg | Brexit Minister | Vanity Plate | Ukraine | Winter Forest

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Oct. 29, 2022

Mellow Weekend | Pumpkin Patch | Halloween Safety | Panther Volleyball | Pomo Art | Constable Patton | Test Scores | Happy Hours | Rising Tension | Hay Load | Marco Radio | Yesterday's Catch | Comedy Legal | Jerry Lee Lewis | Pelosi Attack | Holiday Rush | Who DePape | Deer Season | Blackless Series | Frequent Sex | Mike Davis | Art Liberation | Coming Midterms | Dylan Thomas | Alcoholic Need | Ukraine | Current Thing | Human Livestock | Self Respect | Peace Chorus | Trussed Up | Censorship Regime | Gone Bad

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Oct. 28, 2022

Weak Front | Meet Candidates | Burn Permits | Picnic Tables | Unity Club | Kibesillah | School News | Watertank Triptych | Ed Notes | Wages Creek | Macquereaux | Navarro Estuary | County Notes | Racers | Thanksgiving 50 | Boon Box | Freeze Loans | Pine Grove | Corporate Welfare | Yesterday's Catch | Cloverdalia | Paradise Bound | Pelosi Hammered | Labor Issue | Jack-o-Waste | EPIC Awards | Bad Dog | Women Reading | Vell Digested | Colored Zones | Big Hands | Mexican Time | Dark Quick | War Propaganda | Dear Facebook | Ukraine | Open Meeting | Trump Reason | Trans TikToker | Brutal Comedy | Art Wash

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Oct. 27, 2022

Dry | Adventists Hiring | Two Candidates | Old Branscomb | CTE Meeting | Rollerville Flume | Measure P | Redwood Pipes | Tax Correction | Marmon BT | BoonQuiz | Log Chute | Mushroom Walk | Taquitos | Ed Notes | Ford House | Armed Punks | Garcia Mill | Mary Rose | Caspar 1920 | Test Scores | Yesterday's Catch | Medicare Privatization | Mendocino 1909 | R Nor D | Mike Davis | Climate Chart | Permanent DST | Power Bill | Robbins Interview | Sometimes Y | Ukraine | 1959 Prices | War Writing | Hiring Doctors | Little Critics | Snail | Worthless Progs | Harold Hedd

Letters (Oct. 27, 2022)

I will surely make far more enemies than friends by expressing my concerns over Proposition P (and all such similar tax measures).…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022

Cool | Bay Quake | Dry Forecast | Finn Mural | No Hazmobile | School Assembly | Chimney Sweep | Used Stove | Studios Tour | Zeni Chestnuts | County Notes | Bragg Aerial | Microbusiness Grant | Native Gardens | Short-Term Rentals | Elk Hunt | Measure P | Soft Tacos | Woman Endorsed | More Money | Momentous Day | Movie Sub | Yesterday's Catch | Keep Chugging | Optimist | No Meaning | Veg Hunt | Pacific Flyway | Sewer Smells | Clean Water Act | Baseball Exhibition | Different Times | Scab Not | Dem Better | Election Day | Ukraine | Jack-o'-Patriot | Infrastructure Wars | All Bark | Progressive Cowards | 3 Faces
