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Posts published in “Features”

Dissecting the North Coast Greens

Former AVA editor Bruce Anderson summed up the local Green Party leaders last year as well as anyone, when he said that that while he…

Witness at an Execution Protest

On January 18th I went with my father to the protest of Donald Beardslee's execution at San Quentin. Cops buzzed like bees, roads had been…

The Soul Searchers

I was minding my own business when I heard the thump of heavy footwear on the porch. I stepped outside in time to intercept two…

The Dangerous Lessons of the Tobie Case

In 2003, Lifeworks group home manager Jack Graves recruited a known juvenile criminal named Kevin Tobie, who had been kicked out of San Francisco public…

The Stone and Kelsey Massacre

(Editor’s note: William Ralganal Benson was born in 1862 and learned about these events directly from those who took part. Having spoken only a Pomo…

The Day After Christmas

The days after Christmas, we finally got the first rain in about a month, so there wasn’t anything to do but sit around the house…

The Ghost of Christmas Past

Here we are, back in the suicide season: It’s Christmas time. Half of us are thinking not of our fellow man and woman, but of…

Used Otto, Inc.

With a keen sense of political irony, Otto Reich, Bush's former overlord for Latin America, chose the morning of the November elections to publicly unveil…

Danny Kuny Looks Back

Long-time Valley resident Danny Kuny is leaving the Valley. He wanted to speak his mind one last time before he left.
