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Posts published in “Features”

Letters to the Editor 7/08/09

AIM IT OVER THERE Editor, You may remember several years back that a cell phone tower was erected outside our gate on Sam Prather's property.…

Letters to the Editor 7/1/2009

MORE THAN A WINDSHIELD Editor, Based on the letter in the June 17, 2009, AVA (“In the interest of justice”), it sounds like Ernest Elliot…

Valley People 7/1/2009

PAPERS were delivered a day late most places last week because of a techno-mix-up at our usually infallible Willits printer, Printing X-Press. A COMMUNITY BLOOD…

Bird’s Eye View 7/1/2009

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Good god, it’s been hot! However, there’s no rest for the wicked…

Off the Record 7/01/2009

WHEN GOVERNOR SCHWARZENEGGER proposed closing 220 state parks to help ease the $24 billion (and deepening) state budget shortfall, the federal government said that if…

Thought Guardians

Editor, We are locked down here for the second time this month. I’m reading your June 17, 2009, issue, the one with your poignant “Welcome…

Ballot Proposition Recommendations

A few years ago when our state budget problems became a little too spiny to sweep under the rug even when the television cameras weren't…
