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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record 2/3/2010

This Week: Marvin Trotter, Congressman Wine Guy, The Walmart of Weed, an MTA boondoggle and much more...

Off the Record 1/27/2010

This week: Jameson Jackson gets out of jail, Carmel Angelo takes on Marvin Trotter, Ayn Rand's balls, Bosk vs. Sako and much more...

Off the Record 1/20/2010

This week: Driving while stoned, wineries go ga-ga, Sutley v. God and much more.

Off the Record 1/13/2010

MENDO PEOPLE close to the dope trade say “dimes were dropped” in the Schlosser case, probably lots of them. Ukiah resident Deborah Schlosser, 56, wife of Bert Schlosser of the Mendocino County Alternate Defender's office,…

Off the Record 1/6/2010

THIS POOR GUY, a walking advertisement for single payer health coverage, was booked into the Mendocino County Jail a few days ago for missing probation appointments, probably because he couldn't lift his tumor off his pillow.…

Off the Record 12/30/2009

BACK ON MONDAY the 14th of December, the Board of Supervisors, as expected, voted 5-0 to allow a quarry operation on Poonkinney Road, an area lying between Highway 101 and Covelo, a very rural area…

Off the Record 12/23/2009

THE COUNTRY may be sliding into permanent Depression, but Mendocino County’s judges, already more numerous in relation to the County’s sparse population than they are in any other county in the state, are apparently going…

Off the Record 12/9/2009

THIS GUY SAID to me the other day, “You know what the problem is with this county?” Limo Libs running everything? I guessed. “Nope,” he said, “it's our government bringing in all these Mexicans and…
