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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off The Record

CORRECTION: In last week's excellent account of the KZYX board meeting by Sheila Dawn Tracy, it was our editorial error that stated board minutes had been prepared by station manager John Coate. The minutes were…

Off The Record

WELL, IT'S NOT a face that inspires much confidence, a phrenologist might say, but it's also a face that represents the Obama administration's lack of commitment to anything resembling sensible gun policy. Most Americans probably…

Off The Record

MENDOCINO COUNTY has seen plenty of bad Supervisors, and we mean “bad” in the conventional sense, the sense that they 1. routinely put their personal welfare ahead of the public's, 2. didn’t take the job…

Off The Record

THE NEW COUNTY COURTHOUSE is proceeding whether the rest of us want it or not, and few people apart from our cossetted cadre of judges, do want it. A new County Courthouse is not needed.…

Off The Record

REALLY, is it necessary to hear from every media person in the country on the Connecticut event? What's to say? Have you heard a single comment or analysis that wasn't simply a statement of the…

Off The Record

THE DA has charged Wilson L. Tubbs III, also known as Josh Tubbs, with child abuse resulting in death, according to spokesman Mike Geniella, a charge of murder. According to DA spokesman Mike Geniella, “…

Off The Record

AT FIRST LOOK, the great storm didn't live up to its pre-rains hype. But by Monday, especially inland, considerable damage and even controversy about the reason for that damage, was being assessed. There was some…

Off The Record

AS OF TUESDAY MORNING, the Boonville newspaper of last week had still not reached San Francisco. The week before, it got to New Jersey before it got to Frisco. The various layers of the Post…
