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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record (Feb 25, 2015)

NOT THAT SHE'S talking about why she left, but Suzette Cook, the smart and energetic young editor briefly in charge of news for the twin ad sales sheets known as the Fort Bragg Advocate and…

Off the Record (Feb 18, 2015)

A CALLER wants it brought up: "It's rude and arrogant of our supervisors to look at their cell phones while people are addressing them." Agreed. Checking the video of the most recent meeting of the County's leadership, we see the four male members of the board electronically distracted, Woodhouse and Gjerde not so much, McCowen and Hamburg a lot.

Off the Record (Feb 11, 2015)

WILLITS AND UKIAH emerged mostly unscathed from the big winds and rains of last weekend, suffering no power outages inside their city limits. Ukiah, incidentally, is civic proof that municipalities can elude the power-eating monopoly…

Off the Record (Feb 4, 2105)

MERC, HERC and we're probably ferked, but the Mendocino Redwood Company's hotly disputed timber harvest plans for the Comptche-Albion areas are heating up some more. CalFire's comment line, assuming you can negotiate CalFire's nearly impenetrable…

Off the Record (Jan 28, 2015)

THE WILLITS BYPASS is already falling down. The collapse last Thursday (22 January) of a section of the framing for the Willits Bypass concrete pour, will undoubtedly grow into a bigger problem than it already…

Off the Record (Jan 21, 2015)

THE FORT BRAGG CITY COUNCIL, Lindy Peters dissenting, has voted 3-1 to allow the sale of the old Coast Hotel to the burgeoning Hospitality House and freshly privatized County Mental Health complex who, in turn,…
