FUTCHER ADRIFT. Ms. F has recently been a tangential victim of the coronavirus
Posts published in “Off the Record”
DURING PUBLIC EXPRESSION last Tuesday morning, John Sakowicz mentioned in passing that “little oversight is provided for the $20 million the County gives Redwood Community Services.” Sako’s primary subject, however, was the thuggish dismissal of…
GREAT REDWOOD TRAIL SCAM: According to a report in Sunday’s Ukiah Daily Journal
Enjoyed a lunch at the revived Thatcher Hotel in Hopland Thursday, marveling at the beauty
So the schools and the government take a day off to celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday
THE BITTER IRONY in the murder of 77-year-old Jim Cummings in August of 1997
A READER WRITES: I just noticed that DA Eyster has decided to charge Gina Bean, the woman who somehow hit and killed pedestrian Calum Hunnicutt in Mendocino last year not with vehicular manslaughter as recommended…