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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record (April 20, 2022)

ACCORDING to the Curry Coastal Pilot out of Brookings, Oregon, Gary Milliman has been elected vice president of the Oregon Municipal Judges Association. THE POINT of this soporific info of no conceivable interest to anyone…

Off the Record (April 13, 2022)

JOHN MCCOWEN: The Supervisors are supposed to make decisions in public based on information that is in the public record, in order that the public is able to understand why the Supervisors are making decisions…

Off the Record (April 6, 2022)

HIGHMINDED dude that I am, I don't remember ever watching the Academy Awards, but I couldn't miss all the excited media chatter last week about an actor named Will Smith slapping Awards host, comedian Chris…

Off the Record (March 30, 2022)

OF ALL THE BLOVIATING farces and straight-up insults we endure as Americans, Senate confirmation hearings are right up there with the most offensive. There they were Monday morning in all their stumbling splendor, corporate libs…

Off the Record (March 23, 2022)

PUTIN'S WAR ON UKRAINE is, by itself, a major crime and, potentially, this time next year we could be roasting squirrels over open pit fires in the hills of Mendocino County if Putin decides to…

Off the Record (March 16, 2022)

IN A LOT OF WAYS, Mendocino County is like Catherine the Great’s Potemkin Villages, fake-front villages erected on her majesty’s path whenever she went on the road, the idea being to assure Her Greatness that…

Off the Record (March 9, 2022)

DENNIS CUNNINGHAM: San Francisco civil-rights lawyer Dennis Cunningham died of cancer Saturday night. Local friends of Dennis will gather at Big River Beach at sunset today (Sunday 3/6/22) in his honor. Dennis headed the legal…
