WHEN GOVERNOR SCHWARZENEGGER proposed closing 220 state parks to help ease the $24 billion (and deepening) state budget shortfall, the federal government said that if the state shuts its parks, the feds will take them…
Posts published in “Off the Record”
CASSIDY HOLLINGER, a senior at Anderson Valley High School, will attend Vassar College in the fall, which makes this impressive young Boonville woman the first local girl we know of to be admitted to a…
CHUCK BUSH writes in the Kelley House Calendar column in last week's Mendocino Beacon "...So whatever destruction of the Indians was caused by the military and the settlers it wasn't even close to being as…
THE DENOYER WATCH. James 'Jimmy' Denoyer is going to be re-tried on felony animal abuse charges. The case has attracted much public interest not only in Mendocino County but nationally because Denoyer's whole herd of…
BLEYS ROSE'S fine but decade-and-a-half tardy piece on the Bari Bombing case in Sunday's Santa Rosa Press Democrat has unleashed torrents of internet hysteria from the Bari-ites. They were safe so long as they could contain their…
SWEENEYDIDIT.COM. A reader writes: "Did you know that Mike Sweeney has put up a couple of Bari-related web sites, with the apparent purpose of discrediting Kate Coleman? They're at: colemanhoax.com and baribooks.com. The really interesting thing is that…
WHILE WE'RE TALKING unpunished crime and compulsions (long-time readers are excused from reading further because you know the Bari Bombing Case is coming), the $4 million more or less awarded Darryl Cherney and the two…