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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record

WILL PARRISH'S truly excellent series on the wine industry can be found in its entirety at It's the first comprehensive investigation of the Northcoast's dominant enterprise (apart from marijuana, of course) from a critical…

Off the Record

YES, THE AVA was delayed again last week. Our Boonville Postmistress called the mammoth Petaluma distribution center late Friday afternoon to find out why they hadn't arrived anywhere. "Oh, yes, the Boonville papers are still…

Off the Record

THE FOCUS TODAY, dear reader, is on the local elec­tion results in the broader context of the great outside political world.

Off the Record

This Week: The Giants win the Series, Mendo's home invasion season kicks off, McCarthyite Michele (Bachmann) comes to Ukiah and much more

Off the Record

THE SAD SAGA of Captain Fathom continues. Monday morning about 8 I walked into Pic 'N Pay to buy a Chronicle. I couldn't help but notice a flashy black Mercedes out front. A sedate, prosperous-looking…

Off the Record

This week: Want & Fear 2030, privatizing Mendo's mental health system, firing Point Arena's city clerk and much more.

Off the Record

AGAIN, OUR PAPERS are lost. Or languishing at Petaluma's vast sorting center. Or some combination thereof. The Bay Area got its AVA's, as did Vermont and Atlanta and Philadelphia. The Northcoast didn't get their papers.…
