This week: Want & Fear 2030, privatizing Mendo's mental health system, firing Point Arena's city clerk and much more.
Posts published in “Off the Record”
AGAIN, OUR PAPERS are lost. Or languishing at Petaluma's vast sorting center. Or some combination thereof. The Bay Area got its AVA's, as did Vermont and Atlanta and Philadelphia. The Northcoast didn't get their papers.…
LAST WEEK'S COVELO pot sweep netted more outsiders than Covelo people at modest grow sites. Included in the lengthy roster of arrests were a German national; two Vietnamese; a Laotian; a couple of dudes from…
This Week: The execution of Albert Brown, Mendo's mental health mercenaries, Hamburg v. Liberty and much more
This week: Hoyle & Hendry get sued, Aanestad takes over KMEC, Eyster promises to "revisit" Katlyn Long's death and much more
ANNE MOLGAARD of the cigarette tax-funded First Five umbrella Do-Good organization, got off a completely unfounded memo earlier this week that has everyone who's seen it shaking their heads. “Dear Commissioners: I hesitate to tell…
This Week: Lisa's sulcatas, Measure C, privatizing Mendo's trash and much more...