THE CITY OF FORT BRAGG has presented the late Vern Piver’s family with a proclamation honoring the universally popular Piver, known and admired thoughout Mendocino County, for his many years of community service. The new…
Posts published in “Mendocino County Today”
MENDOCINO REDWOOD COMPANY is selling 1,138 acres of timberland in three parcels for $3.7 million. One parcel is 589 up the Noyo River Valley east of Fort Bragg. The other two are near Montgomery Woods.…
CHRIST JESUS SAVE US ALL! According to the most terrifying press release we’ve ever received, Stacey Lawson has announced the formation of her “Mendocino County Leadership Cabinet,” not one of whom has the slightest influence…
LAWSUIT Challenges Four-lane Willits Bypass Freeway That Would Destroy Wetlands, Salmon, Rare Plants. SAN FRANCISCO— The Center for Biological Diversity, Willits Environmental Center, Redwood Chapter of the Sierra Club and Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC)…
THE PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY, TUESDAY, JUNE 5TH, 2012 — THE AVA RECOMMENDS: • PRESIDENT: There's no choice. Both candidates represent the concentrations of wealth that have brought us to where we are, which is rolling, unaddressed…
THAT WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENTS' DINNER the other night nicely sums up the true state of the nation. We had the president functioning as co-master of ceremonies with a comedian as unamusing as he was, along…
ALTHOUGH MENDOCINO COUNTY law enforcement, from the Sheriff’s Department to the DA’s Office, seems unanimous in their conviction that Dr. Peter Keegan murdered his wife of 30 years, Susan Keegan, the case against the Ukiah…