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Posts published in “Mendocino County Today”

Mendocino County Today: June 4, 2012

A READER sends along this comment with some unkind assessments of the mental acuity of AVA staff: “Every time someone tells me how ‘logical’ and ‘rational’ males are relative to females, I merely point to…

Mendocino County Today: June 3, 2012

ACCORDING to Saturday's SF Chronicle, the city's coyote population has grown to 13. How the cunning little beasts got established in the city was a mystery until DNA testing, and then a photo, revealed that…

Mendocino County Today: June 2, 2012

THE FEATURED FILM at this weekend's Mendocino Film Festival is — ta dah! — Who Bombed You Know Who, featuring Darryl Cherney who will be present “for what promises to be a lively discussion.” Saturday…

Mendocino County Today: June 1, 2012

ON A VOTE 74-0 Assembly vote Wednesday, Assemblyman Huffman's bill to create new funding sources for state parks now moves to the State Senate. It would also require State Parks to upgrade and expand its…

Mendocino County Today: May 31, 2012

THE LOCAL ANGLE: A Contra Costa County prosecutor who had rape charges against him dismissed last year has sued the state, the county (of Contra Costa) and the city of Martinez, claiming he was the…

Mendocino County Today: May 29, 2012

OCCUPY MENDOCINO has been denied permission to hold meetings at the spacious Fort Bragg Senior Center. Which is odd because most of Coast's Occupiers are themselves fully certified geezers. It's not as if a gang…

Mendocino County Today: May 30, 2012

RICHARD KRUSE of Albion has been sentenced to ten years in state prison. Kruse, 68, had been found guilty of molesting young girls under the auspices of a girls only water ski club. Charges against…
