MENDOCINO COUNTY AND SEIU (Service Employees International Union) issued a joint press release earlier this year announcing formation of a Labor Management Committee (LMC). The membership included SEIU business agent Carl Carr, political organizer Paul…
Posts published in “Mendocino County Today”
THE SANTA ROSA PRESS DEMOCRAT finally got around to mentioning the Brooktrails real estate/County tax hole issue last Friday, only about nine months after the problem surfaced. AVA readers began reading about the problem last…
“CALIFORNIA will close its projected $15.7 billion budget deficit by restructuring the state's welfare program, streamlining health insurance for low-income children, and reducing child care coverage and college aid, as part of a deal Gov.…
FOOTNOTE to the discussion about Sheriff Allman’s recent request and approval to allow Studio Lambert to film a reality series with the Sheriff’s marijuana eradicators. Former Third Party Inspector for Mendo’s now dormant pot permit…
GOOD FOR ALICE WALKER, the famous novelist and author of The Color Purple and numerous other books. Ms. Walker, a part-time resident of the Anderson Valley, Mendocino County's most happening community, has refused a Hebrew…
“VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to appear in the independent film, Goodbye World,” the ad reads in this week's paper, and we wonder who will respond to the specific requests for “tough bikers” and “hippie farmers.” Used to…
FRUSTRATION TIME. Months ago, we filed FOIA requests with the ATF, the FBI, the Fort Bragg Police Department, and the Mendocino County DA in a quest for the files on the infamous Fort Bragg Fires…