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Posts published in “Mendocino County Today”

Mendocino County Today: March 22, 2013

WILLITS WEEKLY'S CAT LEE reporting from the CHP press conference Thursday regarding the Willits Bypass and related protest(s): Eight arrests, no violence, no resistance, no…

Mendocino County Today: March 21, 2013

WILLITS BYPASS? Hard to understand. The traffic through Willits is an embarrassment always and impossible on weekends. You can avoid through-town traffic by turning right…

Mendocino County Today: March 20, 2013

SUPERVISOR JOHN PINCHES, according to Willits News staff writer Linda Williams, told the Brooktrails Community Services District last Tuesday that at least one supervisor favors…

Mendocino County Today: March 19, 2013

ABOUT 75 PEOPLE opposed to Caltrans’ plans for a bypass around Willits responded to a “high alert” call from Save Little Lake Valley to show…

Mendocino County Today: March 18, 2013

FEDERAL JUDGE CLAUDIA WILKEN ruled last week that inmates held in Pelican Bay's iso cells for years at a time can proceed with their federal…

Mendocino County Today: March 17, 2013

DIRECT ACTION Planned for Caltrans Willits Bypass! (Save Our Little Lake Valley) — Occupy Encampment & Large Protest Planned in Opposition to Caltrans Planned Destructive…

Mendocino County Today: March 16, 2013

BYPASS PROTEST: Who’s in Charge of Enforcement? By Jennifer Poole
, Willits Weekly Who’s in charge of enforcement? CHP or Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman?…

Mendocino County Today: March 15, 2013

FRIDAY’S FIRE in Albion now looks like arson, as the following press release from the Sheriff's Department makes clear. The second item describing another episode…

Mendocino County Today: March 14, 2013

PRO-BYPASS RALLY IN WILLITS By Jennifer Poole, Willits Weekly. Honks of support from passing traffic and chants of “Build It Now” filled the air…
