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Posts published in “Mendocino County Today”

Mendocino County Today: November 5, 2013

WHERE'S GOLDILOCKS? Ms. Jacqueline Audet was last seen in June of this year when she and her road dog (traveling companion), Donald Jordan were arrested for drunk in public. Jordan is twice Ms. Audet's age…

Mendocino County Today: November 4, 2013

ON OCTOBER 12, 2013, KZYX GENERAL MANGER JOHN COATE wrote on his blog that when (if?) the Open Lines program comes back, “maybe we should rename the show ‘How Do You Know?’ so that…

Mendocino County Today: November 3, 2013

FORTUNA POLICE arrested a marijuana guy driving a Toyota and pulling a trailer on Halloween. The stop inspired the following exchange on Lost Coast Outpost: “Anybody driving a Toyota truck that is towing is a…

Mendocino County Today: November 2, 2013

A DEAD MAN was found in the trash Thursday morning at the transfer station on Taylor Drive, South Ukiah. According to Captain Greg Van Patten of the Sheriff's Department, the man died from a 40-foot…

Mendocino County Today: November 1, 2013

THE PHOTOGRAPH by Steve Ebarhard of Will Parrish being arrested at the Willits bypass protest last month (which accompanies Bruce McEwen’s excellent coverage of Parrish’s court case) is a very good example of what news…

Mendocino County Today: October 31, 2013

WE ALL KNOW that among us walk the credulous. But credulity is one thing, lunacy another. 5th District supervisor, Dan Hamburg, a former Congressman, has crossed the line. He thinks 9-11 was an inside job…

Mendocino County Today: October 30th, 2013

  DIANE ZUCKER has died. A long time resident of Ukiah, and before Ukiah, Fort Bragg, Diane was perhaps best known as a member of the Mendocino County School Board, serving for many years as…

Mendocino County Today: October 29, 2013

Bert Schlosser’s noisy, crazy, woozy, boozy days are gone, and so is Bert. The wildest man and the best lawyer in Mendocino County’s pond of criminal defense practitioners leaves a legacy unmatched and unmatchable.
