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Posts published in “Mendocino County Today”

MCT: Thursday, June 18, 2020

Hot Interior;
Fiddlehead Fined;
53 Cases;
Help Bill;
Coast Inlet;
Skyhawk Update;
Wendling Mill;
No Parade;
Burn Ban;
Perv Loose;
Ambulance Down;
Bandit Rock;
Nameless CA;
Navarro Bridge;
Fort Anything;
Christo Columbo;
Ed Notes;
Downtown Ukiah;
Streetscape Comments;
Carlo Affinito;
Early MTA;
51% Guilty;
Yesterday's Catch;
Trump Rally;
Elkhorn Hotel;
Managing Covid;
Covelo High;
Defund Everything;
Black Phoebe;
Virus Trending;
Controller Wanted;
Inside CHAZ;
Flying Cars;
Dispensary Looting;
Found Object

MCT: Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Sunny Breezy;
Semi Stuck;
Bookstore Reopening;
Newborn Fawn;
Philo Drive-In;
Mickey Memory;
Book Review;
Sewer Surprises;
Noyo Boats;
Name Petitions;
Change It;
Braxton Bragg;
Honoring Duds;
Uncomfortable History;
Ukiah Storefronts;
Name Discussion;
Beet Juice;
Ed Notes;
First Switchboard;
Miller Reports;
Boonville High;
Ted Sez;
Addressing Pandemic;
Face Masks;
Fiddleheads Loggerhead;
Fatal Collision;
Maglite Man;
Pot Redo;
Boonville Schoolhouse;
Cultural Priorities;
Abatement Program;
Ukiah Hotel;
Lake Pillsbury;
Yesterday's Catch;
Next Husband;
Rolling Catastrophes;
Downtown Ukiah;
No Alternative;
Near Bejar;
NBA Boycott;
Parade Float;
PG&E Guilty;
Race Thing;
People Dying

MCT: Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Sunny Breezy;
Cliff Fall;
Pepper Pelfrey;
Real Estate;
FB Updates;
76 Years;
Name Change;
Mendo Follies;
Lumber Skid;
Wildlife Services;
Duncan Springs;
Positive Encounter;
Six Vehicles;
Kinion Wagon;
Foggy Way;
Sheriff's Plan;
Grape Truck;
Ed Notes;
Psychic Flight;
Police Reports;
Yesterday's Catch;
Undisciplined Killers;
Paw Patrol;
Hunger Games;
Crash Scene;
Little Ruby;
Hart Landing;
Liberal Mask;
Show Me;
Burned Out;
Pandemic Consequences;
Who's Next;
Street Protests;
Found Object

MCT: Monday, June 15, 2020

Rain North;
Marvin Chapman;
Sunny Buck;
Trashy Rumor;
Boonville Demonstration;
Firefighter Appreciation;
Dream Small;
Mountaintop Removal;
Disappointing Bragg;
Mallory Camp;
Name Change;
Input Desired;
Comptche Barn;
Prairie Creek;
Ed Notes;
Mendocino Appellation;
Fact-Checking TWK;
Yesterday's Catch;
Courageous GOP;
Mendocino Woodlands;
Biden Slogans;
Slavery War;
Well-Hidden Militia;
Car Alarm;
Pepper Pelfrey;
Separate Control;
Old West;
White Shields;
Serve & Protect;
Slave Names;
Status Quo;
Same Inaction;
Found Object

MCT: Sunday, June 14, 2020

Mild Dry;
Ukiah Streetscaping;
Lauren's Open;
Free Testing;
Dainty Flowers;
Campgrounds Opening;
Noyo Harbor;
Noyo Mill;
Ed Notes;
Quake Damage;
Last Newspaper;
Fort Bragg;
Current Nightmare;
Yesterday's Catch;
Hysterical Zone;
Alder Camp;
Diverse Demonstrators;
Rethinking Names;
Looting Guidelines;
Chino Virus;
Beacon Drive-in;
Honeymoon Over;
General Bragg;
Ignorant Privilege;
Fewer Police;
CHAZ Demands;
Beats Disappearing;
The Virus;
Found Object

MCT: Saturday, June 13, 2020

Mild Spotty;
Higher Risk;
MacKerricher Vista;
FB Updates;
Western Bluebird;
Reopening Counties;
Water Conservation;
Mendocino Lumber;
Second Bridge;
Original Skunk;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Kneeling Dems;
Kente Pelosi;
Chappelle on Floyd;
Death Panels;
Redemeyer Building;
Mirror Image;
Plantain Lily;
CHAZ Communes;
PA Zoom;
Found Object

MCT: Friday, June 12, 2020

Cloudy Cool;
Stage 3 Reopening;
Fire Forum;
Structure Fire;
Westport Landing;
Renaming FB;
Old 128;
Ed Notes;
CHAZ Demands;
Yesterday's Catch;
Those Days;
Navarro Store;
Hospital Bathroom;
Hauling Bark;
False Guilt;
Five-Mile Creek;
Badger Section;
BLM Confrontation;
Z Teens;
Company Store;
Economic Cruelty;
Justice Now;
President Ventura

MCT: Thursday, June 11, 2020

Warm Dry;
Vineyard Fire;
Original DR;
Greenhouse Shot;
Red Onion;
Sunday's Protest;
Police Misconduct;
Police Force;
Paper Paper;
Greedy System;
Prison Conditions;
PA Stable;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Tinted Clowns;
Bark Wagons;
Police Unions;
Offshore Drilling;
PA Hardware;
Computer Class;
PA Derrick;
Flynn Fan;
Capitalist System;
Two-headed Snake;
Early Willits;
Floyd Story;
PA Parade;
Common Sense;
Vote Yetta;
Reverse Birthday;
AARP Tactics;
Burn Down

MCT: Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Warm Interior;
Grapefruit Slice;
Yorkville Fire;
Albion Sunset;
FB Case;
1957 Ambulance;
Ukiah Streetscaping;
Park Circles;
Tourists Coming;
Grand Hotel;
BOS Meeting;
Magenta Flowers;
Ed Notes;
Wildfire Safety;
Yesterday's Catch;
Ukiah Hospital;
Laundromat Janitor;
Whitesboro Wharf;
Can't Breathe;
Sweeney Scam;
Next PHO;
Redwood Remnants;
NFL Kneeling;
Ukiah Express;
Cop Kills;
Cut Saguaro;
Alden Squeeze;
Found Object
